04 Jun, 2018
I was impressed by the preparation, professionalism and success I was able to enjoy with David at the helm of my case. His realistic evaluations of the risks and rewards along the way, his approach to challenges and his effective execution of the plan was superb. I enthusiastically endorse him.
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23 May, 2017
Mr. Osborn was assigned by the Federal District Court in the Western District of North Carolina to represent me in a thorny case I was involved in under the Court’s pro se settlement program, which was instituted to mediate and settle cases like mine before they go through a full-blown court proceedings. I was very pleased with the program and comforted by the mettle of a sound lawyer and avid negotiator in my corner. I developed a strong sense of trust with Mr. Osborn after our initial phone conversation and a couple of follow up meetings. I was impressed by two things: 1. Mr. Osborn did what he said he will do - from negotiating with my opponents to the mediation and settlement of my case 2. He did it with ease and great rapport that I have never experienced before. If you can get him to say “yes” to negotiate or mediate your case, then you can count on it being done - the right way.
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