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5.0 1 reviews

Glenn and teresa

star star star star star
09 Jan, 2017
We sincerely hope that you never have to experience being named "Defendant" in a lawsuit based on false, malicious, and meritless accusations. Yes, it does happen...and it happened to us. Had we met Fred Ervin when it all started the lawsuit may never have been filed and if it had been filed it would not have proceeded to the extent to which it did proceed. We are certain that it would have been settled quickly and appropriately. But hind sight is 20/20! We spent almost a year represented by another attorney defending us in the lawsuit. The lawsuit was out of control and continuing in the wrong direction. We needed to make a change. We needed an EXPERIENCED LITIGATOR. A trustworthy family friend with a great deal of experience in real estate introduced us to Fred Ervin and we realized during our first consult with Fred that he instantly understood the dynamics and legal issues of our lawsuit far better than the lawyer we had been paying to defend us for many months. Mr. Ervin's practice is primarily litigation oriented. He has EXTENSIVE experience in numerous aspects of law. For us, it was his expertise in real estate disputes, boundary and easement disputes, title issues, adverse possession and prescriptive easement proceedings that brought about absolute resolution in our case. Fred Ervin had the experience, knowledge, assertiveness, initiative, resourcefulness, aggressiveness and confidence, -- in a word, gumption -- to answer our lawsuit and file a counter lawsuit. In addition, his command of the written word is outstanding and that benefited our proceedings tremendously. The lawyer for the Plaintiffs knew that she would now oppose a real attorney! As Fred put it, "I love to fight" (we knew he meant litigate) but when he prepares to litigate he has all the facts, all the evidence of proof, confidence and his ducks in a row. Our case was settled out of court with the best possible outcome...after we turned the case over to Fred. Fred Ervin is the ONLY attorney you will ever need or handle you legal affairs. Glenn and Teresa
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