06 Mar, 2018
Very rude disrespectful loud . Will not respond to you in any form. Loves to hear himself talk. He took my case assured me I would win but he did a lot of backroom negotiating without me in the room. Then he had my counter contempt charges against my exwife thrown out. He is a money taker with no results.
When I met him he claimed he took a case about a 4 year old girl who died under dss care even had a fake Christmas ornament on his desk.
Run if you value your life
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17 May, 2016
He charged me an extremely high amount of money to take my case and promised me a trial and all kinds of results that he did not deliver. He guaranteed me things that he failed to produce. Likes to hear himself talk. I could never reach him by phone when i needed him. I ended up way worse off after we went to court than I was before I hired him. Now I have to deal with those results on a daily basis. Do not hire this guy. He only wants your money. You'll be better off representing yourself. And don't let him around your wife or girlfriend.
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