Overall rating
Justin r
26 Oct, 2023
Michelle mexia
25 Oct, 2023
This was sure a great experience. I’ve never served on jury duty so I had no idea what to expect. It was so interesting and everyone there was so nice and friendly. The day flew by so quickly. I totally recommend applying, it was a great experience.
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Sandy duran
25 Oct, 2023
I really enjoyed my court experience with First Court. Staff was so nice about explaining everything. Interesting case. Enjoyed being part of jury. If you get a chance to try this don't hesitate
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E s
24 Oct, 2023
Participated with First Court as a juror for a mock trial recently in Los Angeles, and I had a good overall experience with them. Their staff is very professional and pleasant to deal with. It was a whole day affair but they gave enough breaks in between the sessions, and provided plenty of food and beverages. Compensation was not bad too, hope they would pick me again 🙂
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23 Oct, 2023
Even though it was a long day, I was paid well and enjoyed myself. I got to meet amd interact with people outside of my normal spectrum. I would definitely do this again if given the chance. Thanks Laurie for the opportunity.
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Michael gorin
22 Oct, 2023
This was an excellent experience for me! I would highly recommend getting involved in this process for those who have an interest in being empowered as part of a decision making group.
As a mock juror, I really felt the importance and responsibility of listening to both sides of an issue and ultimately coming to a verdict.
The presenters of the case did a great job! Specifically, they were well prepared in providing information in a clear, articulate, and logical format.
As one of the jurors, I can say unequivocally that in our deliberations we all treated each other in a civil manner with dignity and respect despite our initial disagreements.
We established ground rules for communication when we first assembled as a jury. This resulted in all of us listening to each others’ opinions, comments and thoughts with an open mind before arriving at a verdict. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of this process.
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Randy woodland
22 Oct, 2023
I took part in an event in Denver this week presented by First Court. Great experience, I recommend you try this if given the opportunity.
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Andrea kourafas
21 Oct, 2023
Great company to work with
It's nice to find an honest company
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V lessley
20 Oct, 2023
Very fun... great people to work with. Very professional organization. Wish they'd let you rate more than 5 stars 🌟
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20 Oct, 2023
I recently completed 2 days as a juror for First Court, Inc.; it was a HUGE experience and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to see our judicial system in action.
Forty people took part, of which 24 were jurors, 5 attorneys, a judge, several tech helpers, and the rest were plaintiffs, defendants & their attorneys.
The attorneys presented their arguments and taped depositions thoughtfully and thoroughly; throughout the 2-day period, we jurors recorded our questions and thoughts via (provided) laptops.
At the end of the 2 days, we deliberated for several hours in small groups before each group rendered its opinion.
All aspects adhered to a tight schedule, our breaks were timely, and meals were provided. The days were long, but when the event ended, I felt we had completed our work honestly and fairly. The experience left me feeling fulfilled and grateful.
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Robert anawaty
20 Oct, 2023
My day spent with First Court saw an event dripping with professionalism and over-the-top attention to detail specifically designed to make for a memorable experience. Each participant/juror is in a front row seat for a trial filled with twists and turns. You ARE the jury for a legal trial based on an actual legal case in which witnesses, victims, and associated parties testify.
Was it long and boring? NO! First Court staff keeps it short, sweet, and interesting. Additionally, the "courtroom" is replete with comforting amenities, breakfast, lunch, and snacks during breaks. You can DVR your daytime TV, the internet is always available, but if you want exhilaration, sign-up for this.
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Terrell vincent
20 Oct, 2023
Initially, I was skeptical, however, after doing my due diligence, I decided to give them a shot. I am pleased to say I was pleasantly surprised. Everything they said was true. The people associated with Frist Court are professional, friendly, and more than willing to help and answer any questions. The time is well compensated, and the experience was enlightening and educational in a number of ways. Should you see their add, do not hesitate. You will be glad you followed through.
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