04 Dec, 2018
I was appointed Wartko in a CPS case. I WOULD NEVER recommend him. He refussed to meet me. He never returned a phone call. My only contact was in court and a few returned emails that failed to answer any questions. He is arrogant and dissmissive. I provided him with an abundance of documented evidence,. Including the clear violations of the Ohio Revised Code and corrisponding, highlighted printed copies for reference. His response was always to cut me off and say that it was not realavent because the state couldn't prove their case. He allowed whitnesses to make false allegations that could easily be proved incorrect with the documents I provided him, and yet he said nothing during trail. When I pleaded with him to address this is, I was treated with the same dismissal. Over a month ago, and during my open case plan I received a letter stating that he "will no longer be practicing law." To my dismay I was appointed to his partner Ashton. Court is next week and I have yet to receive any contact from Ashton. His secretary, is however very nice and know me by voice, thanks to my repeated attempt to receive the legal counsel in accordance with my constitutional rights.
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