08 Sep, 2011
I hiried Mr. Jackson to handle a civil matter for me at the recommedation of a friend who also is a lawyer. I did as instructed and contacted Mr. Jackson who asked for a retainer of 750.00 before beginning any work for me this was in 2006 April fool's day I gave him 300.00 dollars and have not heard from him since. never got a receipt for my deposit, but his actions suggested to me he needed it bad, I;m a trustiong person and did make contact with Mr. Jackson a year or so later concerning my matter, he had nothing to say, as to wheather of not my deposit was good enough to at least contact my opposition by mail or anything, I lost all of my business property through a lease gone bad and Mr. jackson being an attorney could haved helped me and billid me for the ramaining balalnce but since I was the one being scewed, I guess he did not want to upset the apple cart. He's not contactd me once from his office or by cell to tell me can pick up my money or that he's done anything for me. being poor and black it hurts when someone intrusted with the skill and power to help the little guy from the sharks that one of your own will take advantage of you because he thinks he's smarter than you. But the Bible says "be not decieved God is not Mocked"
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28 Sep, 2010
I hired this attorney for a civil misdemeanor case. I did not like the way this attorney handles his cases. He did not attend any of my hearings and forgot major details about my case. He also did not return or respond to any of my phone calls while the case was ongoing. He did not represent me at all in my case and it was pointless to hire this attorney.
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