Overall rating
Tommy hager
11 Apr, 2019
Strong minds
10 Mar, 2019
It’s been more than 20 years now but I never forget how they charged me $500 for nothing. Found their yellow envelop when I was looking for some papers and thought I give them a review.
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Todd carbo
02 Dec, 2018
Amazing people and services. A must call on firm in Cincinnati!
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Kayte berkel
08 Nov, 2018
I had Dinsmore & Shohl prepare POA, will, and trust documents for me. I don't have much, and I don't make much.
Side note-I used to work in the trust/probate department of a bank, and I recommend EVERYONE have a will and Power Of Attorney set up, regardless of age or income. I've seen people forced to go through probate after losing a loved one, and it's brutal and time consuming. You can get the documents super cheap if not free online, it's worth the hour or two it takes to sign and get them notorized. Any bank can notorized. Do it. Now. Don't force your family/friends to go through probate after you die... Unless you hate them and want them to suffer more.
Anyway, this group was very professional and knowledgeable. They organized everything and made sure I understood it all. Trusts can be stupidity complicated. I was very impressed with the whole process. They were also the best price compared to several other places. AND, they allowed me to make monthly payments.
I'd recommend them for this service. It was the only experience I have had with them, and it was great.
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