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1.8 6 reviews


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20 Aug, 2021
Drew was hired for a simple divorce that he refused to return phone calls and if he did it always come across as a private number. he is not okay was somebody being dissatisfied with his service therefore he thinks you are a threat. when I brought to his attention that I was not satisfied he instantly felt threatened instead of hearing my thoughts and concerns. I would never have him represent you. He is a lazy money hungry coward.
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star star star star star
26 Jul, 2020
Drew was on my case for over year And failed to make progress. He was not assertive in my behalf. He did not have the case or papers organized. His fees were excessive for the content delivered. He did not build the case.
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22 Oct, 2019
He is an excellent attorney. He listened all the charges carefully and then he accepted the case. He is very responsive on the each step that he is taking and giving the directions on what we need to do as defendant. I would highly recommend him.
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12 Jun, 2017
Lawyer is never available does not reply back to email or even a phone call. Takes way to long on getting things done. His excuse is that he has other clients. So what you are getting paid!
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25 Jan, 2017
Simple case took far longer to complete than necessary, and in the end he did a terrible job as my attorney. He's very poor at communicating after a retainer is paid, and you'll need to remind him who you are nearly every time you call (no kidding). I should have taken this as a warning sign. When the other party's attorney made demands (no matter how unfair or ridiculous) Drew's go-to argument was for me to give-in. He NEVER fought MY CASE (i.e. go on offense), he always played defense against their demands, always ending with him recommending I meet in the middle -- left me screwed at every turn. Here's a hypothetical to help you understand what you're in for if Drew represents you.... (Assume an uncomplicated divorce -no children, no alimony, equal incomes, etc). Your objective: Be fair, divide assets equally, and go your separate ways. Assume the raw math (being completely fair to both parties) shows that your spouse has $20k more in assets than you do, so if he/she gives you $10k of that it will balance things out equally. Now assume your ex has a good attorney and argues that it's YOU that needs to give-up $10k......but when you check the math you discover they made a simple error in their calculations....clearly a mistake, but Drew won't argue YOUR case or the math error....he'll tell you that you need to figure out how much YOU are willing to settle for. So instead of receiving $10k to balance the assets, your giving-up even more to make the negotiations end.....and your argument never even got up to bat. Similar scenarios like this happened over, and over; not always over $$, but the same concept - NO offense; PERPETUALLY on defense....then give-in. The final chapter will have one more unpleasantry....his bill. Found out after-the-fact that Drew's bill was over 300% more than most other attorney's would have charged. His hourly rate may appear to be lower than a bigger-city attorney, but his billing practices dramatically fluff the final total.........then he'll want to settle with you. Pathetic.
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star star star star star
12 Aug, 2015
Drew was hired to represent me in a criminal case. He repeatedly badgered me to take a plea that I felt uncomfortable accepting because of the amount of time it included. Repeatedly told me to take it and he would have me out on Judical Release "In 6 months tops" I accepted and he completely severed contact with me. Letters and phone calls went unanswered. At the 6 month mark he filed for my release without even speaking to me. Part of my Plea Bargain was that the Prosecuter would stand silent as to Judicial Release. The Prosecutor opposed and when I finally got through to Drew to point out that the Prosecuter had opposed he simply told me "I can't do anything about that now. It's already been filed with the court." The court also failed to give me one month of Jail Time Credit that I was owed. Again, Drew was unavailable to speak to about it. When I finally got through to him I was told "There isn't any way I can file for that." Fast forward, I filed for the Jail Time Credit pro se, I received it. I also filed for release pro se and received that as well after pointing out in the memo that my deal included the state not opposing it. Drew dropped the ball in my case. The only communication I recieved from him were bills. Not a good criminal lawyer at all. Too concerned with local politics to actually fight a case. Maybe he should practice in a city where his wife is not the mayor so he's not scared to fight the state because he's worried about someone bot supporting his wife's political career. Look elsewhere if you expect to be represented by someone willing to make an effort on your behalf.
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