01 Dec, 2015
This attorney appears to only worried about his paycheck and not worry about the Compensation or the well being of his client my case was dismissed by workmans comp due to the fact that their law office faled update medical release and I had to work backwards to reinstate my workmans comp benefits at the same time they disregarded my last paycheck owed to me by the company that I was injured from release me due to inability to come off of light duty work even though they admitted on the timecard lesser hours but agreed they owed me money he refused to send any kind of legal document letter stating the fact of the Law policing companies from not paying employees when I brought it to his attention all he did was state it wasnt anything they specialized in and refused to address it even though I was being put in a predicament of hardship with paying my bills without my last check and he had no concerns for my payment to help compensate my family while off work I feel my attorney should find someone who specializes in collecting my last paycheck and work with me to gain this pay regardless of there specialties. You hire attorneys so that you can relax and get better knowing that someone is always every day every week every month on the job and help you get to a better place after being injured . The secretaries working at this law firm are very short , rude and uncompassionate for the clients calling in looking for help. They should not try to make you feel like you're less of a person while injured they should help you feel better as a person . Any attorney that allows a case to go backwards and have to fight backwards to gain that case back just shows the lack of effort and concern for the client
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