Overall rating
18 Sep, 2012
I hired Ken Goodin in Sept, 2011, to help me with a child custody/Divorce case.
Ken was amazing to me, showing tremendous patience! as I was in a whirlwind due to my sudden circumstance. Ken was calming, directed me on what I had to do, where I had to be, and gave me all around great advice.
Ken used the facts for my case, presented a fantastic argument, and won the custody portion of the case for this Father!
It was very interesting watching the legal process go on, and Ken explained things to me so that I was not in the dark! I have great admiration for the legal process, and will always be grateful to Ken and his staff for the work that they performed for me and my family.
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17 Sep, 2012
Ken was an absolute blessing to my family and myself!
I'll always be grateful to Ken for keeping me level headed through my child custody case, time after time I would walk away from Kens office with a better feeling than when I entered.
I know that it's not easy for a Father to gain custody of his children, but with Ken's help, preperation, and sticking within the law.......we prevailed!
Ken was the second attorney that I had contacted in Bend, (the first gave me no chance at all at getting my children back home), Ken listened to the circumstances of the children being held out of State, and went to battle for a Father who was torn at every seam!
Ken was always prepared, had me arm him with the facts of my case, and set about the case beautifully!
Not knowing anything about the legal world, I was amazed at every level at the work done by Ken and his wonderful team! especially once the trial started, and all the hard work had come to the surface.
The legal process is not easy! it was very tiresome, long, and stressful, but in the end.........right is right! and I'm very grateful to have had someone like Ken, to present the facts in a manner in which the Judge could very clearly make his judgement,..... through the facts in front of him!
Randy Yochum
Bend OR.
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