Daniel Edmund Cummins

610 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, PA

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4 Reviews
Data reflects the status as of the latest update. Updates are typically done monthly.


License ID number: -

Licensed in: -

Year admitted: -


University of London, Faculty of Laws
Dickinson School of Law (Pennsylvania State University, JD - Juris Doctor
University of London, Faculty of Laws, London, England, JD
Villanova University, BA - Bachelor of Arts, cum laude

Last reviews

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5.0 4 reviews
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Mary jean

star star star star star
17 Aug, 2009
Mr. Daniel Cummins, He cares for people. He takes care of all your problems. He calls you back. I had many lawyers and I did not get treated right. Some Lawyers had me crying. Not all lawyers care about you but Mr. Cummins cares for people. He will fight for you like there is no tomorrow. I am not the only one that feels this way about Mr. Cummins. Mr. Cummins is the best Lawyer in the world.
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star star star star star
03 Aug, 2009
I would recommend Attorney Cummins to anyone for numerous reasons. He was always prompt in returning my calls and kept me informed at all times. He handled my case with the highest standards and advised me throughout the process. I was thankful for the time he dedicated to my case. Because of this I was prepared for all that I encountered throughout the legal process. I was extremely pleased with his integrity and the way he treated me as a client. I was also pleased with the time and energy he put into my case to achieve positive results.
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star star star star star
28 Jun, 2009
I highly recommend Dan Cummins. He is a remarkable person. I felt completely confident with his representation. His ethics, knowledge, and ability, regarding my case were beyond reproach. Oh... and by the way...He WON.
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Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The Pendulum Shifts With Recent Pa. Supreme Court Decisions
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The Uncommon Law of 2018: Reversals of Precedent and Splits of Authority Dominate
The Pennsylvania Lawyer, OUT OF CONTROL: Self-Driving Vehicles Will Change the Insurance and Litigation Industries
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, The Benefits of Participation in the Mock Trial Competition
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The Mudano Rule: Conflicting Expert Opinions Often Prove Fatal
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Do Act 6 Reductions Under MVFRL Apply Outside of Pa.?
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Precedent Has a Way of Repeating Itself: A Year-End Review of Cases, Trends
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Mandated Coverages for Uber and Lyft Vehicles
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Service of Process: Pitfalls Can Be Avoided by Good Faith Efforts
The Legal Intelligencer, The Art of Mediating: The Goal is to Settle, Not Win
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Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Year In Review: The Top Recurring Issues
The Legal Intelligencer, Brief Rewriting Tips for the Young (or Any) Lawyer
The Legal Intelligencer, Presidential Candidate's and the Federal Bench's Future
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, What Attorneys Hope Judges Know
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Improve Your Practice, Reduce Stress, and Prevent Nightmares
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Limitations on Cross-Examination of Lay and Expert Witnesses
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Year of Changes in Civil Litigation
Newsletter of the PBA Civil Litigation Section, To Call or Not to Call: Dilemma Created by Unfavorable Expert Report’
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, The Lessons of ‘Forrest Gump
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Significant Changes Abound in Post-Koken Auto Law
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Plea to the Appellate Courts from a Post-Koken Litigator
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Automobile 'Black Box' Information Ruled Admissible in a Criminal Case
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Parameters of Showing Bias of Expert Witness
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Collateral Estoppel Doctrine Precludes Additional UIM Recovery
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, In 2014 Pa. Supreme Court Splits, Vacancies Left Law Uncertain
Tort Talk Blog (www.TortTalk.com), A Sad Day for the Truth (Barrick v. Holy Spirit Hospital)
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, 'Tis the Season to Be Civil: Lessons From 'A Christmas Story'
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, Trial Tips 101
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Pa. Products Liability Law Malfunctioning into a Widening Split of Authority
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Recurring Issues With Verdict Slips Continue to Divide Parties
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "The Battle Over Wage-Loss Claims"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Superior Court Leaves Big Post-Koken Question Unanswered"
The Pennsylvania Lawyer, Holiday Book Gift-Giving for Lawyers
Westlaw Journal Automotive, A Maze of Uncertainty (Products Liability in Pennsylvania)
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, Book Review of The A to Z of Civil Depositions in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, Lawyers, Look After Yourselves
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Clean Slate: Ways to Ease Stress and Improve Your Practice
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, UM/UIM Rejection Form Language Should Be Carefully Reviewed
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Five Common Mistakes to Avoid During Deposition
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Show Me the Money: Medicare Liens and Personal Injury Matters
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Hurricane Koken Turns Toward Sea: Storm May Subside With Guidance From State Superior Court
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Tort Reform and Judicial Selection: Where the 2012 Presidential Candidates Stand
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Look at 2012's Trends in Auto Law
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Shifting Landscape: Changes Keep Things Interesting for Civil Litigators
Trials and Tribulation Newsletter (DRI, Defense Research Institute), 5 Mistakes to Avoid During Depositions
The Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, U Need 2 Authentic8 TMs @ Trial
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, State Route 2010: A Look Back At Automotive Insurance Law
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Are the Winds of Hurricane Koken Dying Down?: Superior Court Touches on Consolidation versus Severance in Post-Koken Cases
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Suspension of Common Sense: Decisions on bystander emotional distress claims leave bench, bar unsettled
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, How to Improve at ADR: Tips from mediators and arbitrators on preparation and presentation
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The Weathermen of Hurricane Koken
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, To Friend or Not to Friend? Trial courts split on how to handle social media discovery requests
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Simply Persuasive: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Legal Writers
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Rule Changes Alter State Civil Litigation Landscape"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Stop and Ask for Directions: Continuing Changes in Auto Law Arena in 2011 Result in Uncertainties
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, A Year of Change for Civil Litigation: Wave of Legislation, Case Law is Poised to Alter the Environment for Tort Cases in 2012
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, Mastering the Great (But Lost) Art of the Return Phone Call: A tongue-in-cheek guide to tackling a difficult task.
Defense Research Institute National Magazine: For the Defense, Lessons from the Godfather: Universal Principles and Practical Advice
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "In the Driver's Seat: Post-Koken decision making dominated the field of auto insurance law in 2009"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Spread A Little Love: Being pleasant and considerate is part of being a professional"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Hang Up and Drive: Lawmakers and courts tackle the dangers of cellular phone use by drivers"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Tracking 'Hurricane Koken': Recent court rulings suggest aversions to forum shopping in insurance litigation
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Danke Schoen, Ferris Bueller: Enlightening thoughts for lawyers -- from a teen epic hero"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Clarifying Inter-Policy Stacking In UIM Cases: Venango County judge explains differences in recent high court opinions"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Little League tips for big league lawyers"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Growing Need for Guidance: Trial courts struggle with consolidation vs. severance issue in post-Koken cases"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Not Unlike the Other: Post-Koken decisions on consolidation vs. severance issue reach the same conclusion"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Duty Defined: A Lackawanna County judge revisits the basic question of duty owed"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Great Minds Think Alike: Consistent decisions on UM/UIM issue separately handed down on same day"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The New Discovery Battlefield: Novel Jefferson County trial court decision opens the door to discovery of social networking sites
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Defense-Oriented Decisions Dominated 2010's Biggest Non-Automotive Cases
Blog by Daniel E. Cummins entitled Tort Talk, TORT TALK BLOG (www.torttalk.com): Updates on important cases and trends in Pennsylvania civil litigation law
Claims Magazine, "Claims Rep Pet Peeves"
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, "Artistry Lessons for Lawyers" - A Book Review
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Eight Simple Rules: A guide to maintaining a positive and efficent practice this year"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Change of Habit: A post-Koken body of law is developing as new UM/UIM claims go to court"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "To Disclose or Not To Disclose: The discoverability of surveillance evidence in state and federal courts."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Seat Belt Defense Ban Wearing Thin: A Superior Court panel upholds the ban but illustrates its weaknesses"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Alive and Well: Assumption of risk doctrine remains a valid defense"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Piece of Cake: Clients and witnesses who know what to expect give better depositions"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "You'd Better Watch Your Step: Premises liability defendants are having a banner year in Pennsylvania courts"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Two Roads Diverged: Trial courts split over joinder of UIM and third party claims in post-Koken cases"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Wild Ride: A multitude of landmark decisions in civil law make 2009 a year to remember"
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, "Lessons From Lawyer Caricatures: Lawyers as seen on screen."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Negligence is in the Air...and on the Road: In the realm of auto insurance litigation, 2008 was a year of change."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Change in the Wind: New judges, new rules and new decisions in general civil litigation matters."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Here Comes Hurricane Koken: Response to decision brings surge of litigation, ferocious winds of change."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "The Future Is Now: Computer-powered case presentation may be a necessity to persuade today's juries."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Mid-Year Tune up: Ten tips to improve your practice and reduce stress."
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "The Devil Made Me Do It: Avoiding the 'Seven Deadly Sins' in the practice of law"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Scar Tissue: Trial courts' struggles to define limited tort serious disfigurement threshold
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "The Presidential Candidates and Tort Reform: Divergent views of the candidates provide Pennsylvania litigators with a choice"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Parade of Proverbs: On St. Patrick's Day, Irish aphorisms can shed light on law"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "The Reflex Hammer Falls: The U.S. Supreme Court shields makers of medical devices from lawsuits"
Pennsylvanai Law Weekly, "New Issue, New Guidance: Nealon provides framework for applying Act 6 to future medical expenses awards"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Still Rising Trend: It is essential to master the fine points of mediation and arbitration"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "I Plead the Fifth: The self-incrimination privilege can be interposed at civil depositions"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself: Prior decisions in consolidated cases provide guidance for post-Koken issues
Northeast Pennsylvania Business Journal, "The Presidential Candidates and Tort Reform"
Pennsylvania Lawyer Magazine, "A Portrait of the Lawyer as an Artist"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Year in the Life: Insurance issues and judicial elections dominated 2007"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Learning Lessons from Lawyer Jokes"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Time to Unbuckle the Seat Belt Defense?"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Recurring Symptoms of IME's: Independent medical examinations have given rise to many complex issues"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Lincoln Logs of Wisdom: A President's Day review of practical advice from one of our greatest lawyer-presidents"
Happenings Magazine, "One Minute Attorney: Landlord/Tenant Dispute with Attorney Cummins
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "HIlls and Ridges: Pro-defense trial court decisions tempered by pro-plaintiff appellate decisions"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Dead or Alive? The Assumption of Risk Doctrine in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "A Trap for the Unwary: Subrogation can be a minefield for defendants too"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Open Umbrella: Courts face an open question about umbrella policy limits and the UIM credit"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "What I Learned from the Corleone Family: Universal principles and practical advice in The Godfather films"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Is Credit Due?"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Fibromyalgia as a Diagnosis in Personal Injury Cases"
Northeast Business Journal, "Universal principles to derive from 'The Godfather' trilogy"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Spoliation of Evidence as an Independent Cause of Action"
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly, "Recovering Unemployment Compensation Benefits in Pennsylvania After Accepting Early Retirement"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Recovering Unemployment Compensation Benefits In Pennsylvania After Accepting Early Retirement"
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Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Police Pursuit Cases: Adopts Shocks the Conscience Standard"
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Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Roadblocks to Recovery in Police Chase Cases"
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly, "Police Pursuit Cases: Roadblocks in the Pursuit of Justice"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Power to Furlough Clarified"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Sentencing Mergers Clarified"
Pennsylvania Law Weekly, "Two Fees or Not Two Fees"
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Best lawyers in Clarks Summit, PA

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06 Dec, 2015 by Leonard
Frank was my lawyer 30 years ago. He helped me with getting my daughter when her mother would not let me have her. I respect him as the best lawyer you can hire.
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08 Feb, 2022 by John smith
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19 Dec, 2024 by Mary alava
Paul Walker es un abogado de primera categoría, y su firma destaca por su profesionalismo y atención al cliente. Desde el inicio, es evidente que trabajan con dedicación y precisión, asegurando que cada detalle sea considerado. Recomiendo a Paul y su firma a cualquiera que busque un servicio legal confiable y de alta calidad
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19 Dec, 2024 by Josary preciado
Lo que hace especial a Paul Walker no es solo su experiencia como abogado, sino su humanidad. Desde el primer momento, demuestra un genuino interés por las personas y sus preocupaciones. Su firma trabaja con empatía y profesionalismo, lo que hace que cada paso sea mucho más llevadero. Recomiendo a Paul sin dudarlo, especialmente a quienes buscan a alguien en quien puedan confiar plenamente.
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16 Aug, 2024 by Josie marin
I am thrilled to share my experience working for attorney Paul Walker and his law firm, where I have the privilege of witnessing his incredible legal expertise and compassionate approach firsthand. Paul Walker is not just a phenomenal lawyer; he is a genuinely caring and professional individual who stands out in his field. From the moment I started working with him, it became clear that Paul is deeply committed to his clients. His meticulous attention to detail and unwavering dedication ensure that every case is handled with the utmost care and precision. But what truly sets him apart is his genuine concern for the well-being of those he represents. Paul goes above and beyond, not only to achieve the best possible outcomes but also to provide support and reassurance to his clients throughout the legal process. Working for attorney Paul Walker is an absolute pleasure because of the kind of person he is. His leadership style fosters an environment of mutual respect and collaboration. He leads by example, demonstrating professionalism and integrity in every aspect of his work. Paul’s positive attitude and approachability make it easy to feel motivated and valued as part of his team. In summary, attorney Paul Walker is an amazing lawyer whose dedication and compassion shine through in everything he does. I am incredibly proud to be part of his law firm and to contribute to the high standards he sets. If you’re looking for a lawyer who combines exceptional legal skills with a heartfelt commitment to his clients, Paul Walker is the perfect choice.
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Questions? We have answers

What Questions Should I Ask Before Hiring a Lawyer?

Hiring the right lawyer is crucial for the success of your case. Here are some important questions to ask during your initial consultation:

  1. What experience do you have with cases similar to mine?
    Ensure the lawyer has relevant experience in the specific area of law pertaining to your case.
  2. How do you charge for your services, and what are the estimated costs?
    Understand the fee structure, including hourly rates, flat fees, retainer fees, and any additional expenses.
  3. Who will be handling my case?
    Find out if the lawyer will handle your case personally or delegate tasks to other attorneys or paralegals.
  4. What is your approach to resolving cases like mine?
    Learn about their strategy, whether they prefer negotiation, mediation, or litigation.
  5. What potential outcomes can I expect?
    While no lawyer can guarantee results, they can provide an assessment of possible scenarios based on their experience.
  6. How will you communicate with me throughout the process?
    Establish expectations for updates, preferred communication methods, and response times.
  7. What is the expected timeline for my case?
    Get an estimate of how long the process may take from start to finish.
  8. Do you have references from past clients?
    Testimonials or references can provide insight into the lawyer's professionalism and effectiveness.
  9. What challenges do you foresee in my case?
    Understanding potential obstacles helps you prepare and sets realistic expectations.
  10. Are there alternative ways to resolve my legal issue?
    Discuss options like mediation, arbitration, or settlement to resolve the issue efficiently.

Can a Lawyer Represent Me in Courts Outside of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania?

Whether a lawyer can represent you in courts outside of your city or state depends on their licensure and the jurisdiction of the court:

  • Within the Same State:
    Lawyers licensed in a particular state can typically practice anywhere within that state, including all cities and counties. They can represent you in both state and federal courts located in that state.
  • Outside of Their Licensed State:
    If your case is in a different state, the lawyer must be licensed in that state to represent you. However, there are exceptions:
    • Pro Hac Vice Admission: An out-of-state lawyer can request special permission to represent a client in a specific case in another state. This requires filing a motion with the court and often working in conjunction with a local attorney.
    • Federal Courts: If your case is in federal court, a lawyer licensed in any state may be able to represent you, provided they are admitted to practice in that particular federal court.
  • International Representation:
    For cases outside the United States, different rules apply, and the lawyer may need to comply with the foreign country's legal requirements or collaborate with local counsel.

It's important to discuss your specific situation with the lawyer to determine if they can represent you in the desired jurisdiction and what steps may be necessary to do so.

How to Check the Credibility of a Lawyer

Before hiring a lawyer, it's crucial to verify their credibility and ensure they're qualified to handle your case:

  • Verify Their License:
    Check with your state's bar association to confirm the lawyer is licensed and in good standing. Most state bar websites have an online directory for this purpose.
  • Experience and Specialization:
    Ensure the lawyer specializes in the area of law relevant to your case. Review their website, professional profiles, and case history.
  • Disciplinary Record:
    Look up any history of disciplinary actions or complaints through the state bar association's records.
  • Client Reviews and Testimonials:
    Read reviews on legal directories like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, Google, or Yelp to gauge client satisfaction and experiences.
  • Professional Memberships:
    Membership in professional organizations or specialty bar associations can indicate a commitment to their field and adherence to high ethical standards.
  • Awards and Recognitions:
    Honors from reputable organizations reflect expertise and a positive reputation in the legal community.
  • Consultation Assessment:
    Use the initial consultation to evaluate their communication skills, responsiveness, and willingness to address your concerns.
  • Ask for References:
    A credible lawyer should be willing to provide references from past clients who can speak to their abilities and professionalism.

What Should I Prepare for My First Consultation?

To make the most of your initial meeting with a lawyer, come prepared with:

  • Relevant Documents:
    Bring all documents related to your case, such as:
    • Contracts or agreements
    • Correspondence (emails, letters, texts)
    • Legal notices or court papers
    • Financial records (if applicable)
    • Evidence (photos, videos, receipts)
  • Written Summary:
    Prepare a concise written summary of your situation, including key dates, events, and parties involved. This helps the lawyer quickly understand the context.
  • List of Questions:
    Write down any questions you have about your case, the legal process, fees, or the lawyer's experience.
  • Financial Information:
    If your case involves financial matters, bring relevant documents like pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, or invoices.
  • Contact Information:
    Provide details of any witnesses or other parties relevant to your case, including their names and contact information.
  • Personal Identification:
    Bring a valid photo ID for verification purposes.
  • Pen and Notebook:
    Take notes during the consultation to remember important points discussed.
  • Budget Constraints:
    Be ready to discuss your budget and any financial limitations so the lawyer can provide appropriate guidance on fees and payment options.
  • Openness and Honesty:
    Be prepared to discuss your case candidly. Full disclosure allows the lawyer to give accurate advice and anticipate potential challenges.
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