Overall rating
Mike white
03 Nov, 2020
I can not say enough about Lee Cohan. He knew my case better then myself. He knew exactly what to ask to defend me. I felt 100% confident going into trial and he proved my innocence with no doubt. If you are in trouble with the law don’t trust your record with just anyone. Call the best, Lee Cohan!!!
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Mohamed attaka
22 Jul, 2020
hi there. My Name M Attaka. . I'm From West Africa Originally , im US Citizen About 9 years ago . I was Looking For Lower to get my divorce , and I go to online I see Kelly Parker & Cohen , I Call for Appointment . I Meet Sir Tony . The Lower take care My Divorce. This Place make Everything Simple To Resolve your Case , I'm So Happy Wen The Lower Call me and Let me Know My Divorce is ready. This is Less Than 3 Months. Thank You. I'm Keeping The Place For My Next Case.
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Serap sengoz
31 May, 2020
Jason witman
22 Mar, 2020
Very good attorneys. You get what u pay for.
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Rayne miller
08 Feb, 2020
Anna gutman
04 Feb, 2020
My son had a Workers Comp Case and Mr.Tony Parker handled it very very great! We are grateful for his services and would give him and the Staff 10 stars if we could!
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Stephanie fonkou
03 Feb, 2020
Kelly minnich-penny
04 Jan, 2020
L williamson
26 Dec, 2019
Great Attorney's
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Victor oyola
16 Dec, 2019
Great staff and professional service
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Allison veettil
06 Oct, 2019
Although our problem started in PA, we were living in another state at the time. The “situation” was causing us a great deal of problems so I researched lawyers in the area where this took place and I was lucky enough to find the law offices of Kelly Parker & Cohen. Mr Cohen took my then, fiancés case. Mr Cohen kept me informed of every step of the process. He would tell me what our chances were of winning and also tell me what to expect. He was very professional without being cold or unfeeling. I would highly recommend him to anyone facing any kind of legal battle.
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Michael fedash
02 Oct, 2019
Tony Parker handled a workers compensation case for a person in my sphere of influence. Without going into detail, Tony's level of concern for their Mental and Physical well being and how it correlated to the case at hand and what level of depth they would be willing to take the case to, and most importantly what they would be able to mentally handle was abundantly clear and helpful every step of the way. We felt Tony's representation was very good of their situation and that they received one of the best possible outcomes for them long term. They appreciated his expertise, work ethic, and extremely fair billing. They felt that there was a high level of value for what was paid and that the best outcome possible was achieved.
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