13 Oct, 2018
My daughter was court appointment this so called attorney. She showed up to her first hearing and could not provide any information at all. My daughter was ordered to have a D&A evaluation within 5 weeks of her incarceration. After the 5 weeks had come and gone I tried to reach Ms. Keim to question her as to why it had not been done no no avail. She NEVER called me back. She apparently has no secretary because all I ever got was her voicemail. I left messages at her office and on her cell phone begging her to call me back. My daughters hearing before the judge was an even bigger joke. I called her the day of the hearing and begged her to call me, I even offered her money if that is what it was going to take for a return phone call. I NEVER got that call. I was at the courthouse praying that she would be there to represent my daughter, that is how much faith I had in this woman. She did in fact show up but she knew nothing about my daughter. She had NO file on my daughter. All she had on her was her purse. She was questioning me about the case and then decided to get the prosecutors file to remind her of my daughters case. She looked at me and said “your daughter isn’t getting out today, she never had her evaluation done”. SHE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS HAD SHE RETURNED MY PHONE CALLS!!!! She went in front of the judge without having my daughter there to see or hear what was happening! My daughter had every right to appear in front of the judge on her own case but was not given that right!!! There is so much more but unfortunately my daughter is still in jail and has this woman to blame for it. The judge said that he wanted her in front of him within 24 hrs of the evaluation. It was done the very next day. 24 hrs has come and gone. WE NEED HELP!!! How to I protect my daughter from any further injustice?? Please do not hire this woman! Again, my daughter was court appointed her.... WE DID NOT HAVE A COICE!!
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28 Jan, 2013
I didn’t have a choice on if I wanted her as a lawyer for my daughter. The courts appointed her to my case. She would NEVER return any of my phone calls no matter how many times I called. Me and my daughter had to meet with her before the hearing but never got to because she never called me back to set up the appointment. Even when I called her office her secretary couldn’t give me a day or time till she spoke to Amy. I hired my own attorney because of this. My attorney I hired even said to me, "Amy will not call you back or anyone!" I even went as far as sending Amy certified mail with a hand written letter to her stating I need to speak to her ASAP and need to meet with her before the hearing. I got nothing back from her or her office. I was told she doesn't have an email address. The day of the hearing was even more of a joke. Since she only knew what I told her at the 1st hearing and what my daughter’s dad told her she knew nothing of what went on during the 2 months after the 1st hearing till the last one. I can go on and on about so much more she did or didn’t do but there’s not enough room to type all of it. My thought is if you are thinking about hiring her DONT! One more thing I didn’t like about her is, my daughter’s father tested positive for marijuana more than once there and that was OK!! I was told, now of days everyone does it!! REALLY I don’t nor does anyone I know!! I’m trying to teach my child drugs are bad and here’s a court saying its ok!
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