17 Feb, 2018
It’s refreshing to have an attorney who’s more interested in my and my children’s best interest, and not how many hours she can bill me for. I appreciate Lyn's candidness regarding expectations/outcomes of hearings and trials. Lyn is well prepared for each hearing/trial resulting in favorable settlements for me.
Above all, with the many different raw emotions felt during the divorce process, Lyn steadily and compassionately challenges me to see the good/positive in each situation even when I find it difficult to do so. She is a wealth of knowledge, resources, and advice, not just from a legal perspective but from a parental perspective as well.
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08 Feb, 2018
Divorce is a complicated, difficult and emotional time and Lyn was a steady voice of council and support. Her accomplishments and acumen are well known and well published. She is a leader and a highly skilled practitioner, you would find this information just from word of mouth or using the internet to do research.
I'm going to share a moment toward the end of my divorce process that won't come up in any kind of google search, but really drives home who Lyn is. It was late, after 9 pm and my phone rang with a number I didn't recognize. It was Lyn. We had just been through a pretty tough couple of weeks dealing with a custody issue and were able to secure an important piece to finalizing the settlement. We had been on the phone multiple times in the last few days and all the business stuff was finalized. Lyn called me, and we must have talked for more than thirty minutes. We had been through a lot over the course of the divorce proceedings and she wanted to check in and see how I as holding up. It was a very sincere conversation. A conversation she didn't have to have with me. It was late, we had succeeded in getting the final piece of the settlement -- there was no need to call and check in.
Over the course of the conversation, it was comforting to hear that Lyn had come to understand who I was as person, what I valued, what I wanted in my life, not just in my divorce settlement. She knew me well. She knew what motivated me, what interests I had. I could tell that I was more than a client. Still now, a couple years later, I still get Monday morning emails from Lyn to talk trash about a poor football play or what's happening in the world politically. Those attributes go beyond dollars and cents. When you work with someone like Lyn, you will gain a lifelong advocate, not someone to just get you through a difficult period in life. That said, when the tough times come during the process—and they will—you want Lyn on your side.
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