Overall rating
09 Apr, 2019
I acquired services from Mr. Feldman for multiple criminal cases within the past 2 years. I was facing a lengthy time in prison and was working with a public defender at first and then realized that I needed to pay for a private lawyer which was in the best interest of me. Throughout all of my court hearings Mr. Feldman was always on time, never missed a court hearing and always made sure that any decision that was made in the court system was in the best interest of myself. When it came to the financial part of the agreement Mr. Feldman was able to work with me and set up payment plans and was able to give me a fair and reasonable price when it came to charging me for not one but two felonious cases. I trusted in Mr. Feldman that he would fight and make the right decisions for me in the court in front of a judge and as well a jury. With facing a lengthy sentence in two separate cases I had very to little hope of staying home with my family. Trusting that Mr. Feldman had the best interest for me I believed in him and with having little hope Mr. Feldman , using his expertise, Mr. Feldman was able to keep me home not only on the first case but on both cases as well. Mr. Feldman is a very punctual and remarkable attorney I left my trust and freedom in his hands and he was able to keep me home to be with my family. He was the best attorney my family or I have ever dealt with and is for sure there to make the best decisions that are in the better interest for his client. Outside of the courtroom Mr. Feldman and I have developed a great relationship, not only is he there to fight for you and is willing to do whatever he needs to do for your best interest but also a great human being. A loving and caring person with a big heart is the person I can say Mr. Feldman is and never will I forget what he did for me in and out of the courtroom.
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09 Apr, 2019
I hired Mr Feldman several times in the past, most notably for custody and support cases. To say I was satisfied with his work and professionalism in both instances would be a gross understatement. Mr Feldman not only got me a better result than anticipated but he impressed me so much so that I referred him several times to close friends and family for cases ranging from run of the mill to very serious. To this day I’ve yet to hear from anyone involved in those instances, anything other than gratefulness and appreciation. I would also add that in over 90% of those cases, based on personal knowledge of those involved, Mr Feldman charged much less than what was anticipated compared to other attorneys and in all of the aforementioned situations, worked with each person regarding payment to make it easier on them.
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09 Apr, 2019
Gary has been an excellent lawyer for me as well as many of my friends and family and their friends and family in a variety of capacities, both criminal and civil. Always had a positive outcome and he takes the time to advise you of all your options and when appropriate a reasoned opinion. He will not steer you wrong. I strongly recommend Gary Feldman, Esq.
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09 Apr, 2019
Gary went above and beyond for me on a custody case. He showed complete understanding of all my needs and wants when it came to my kids and their father. He demonstrated professionalism in all aspects and got me exactly what I wanted.
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21 Feb, 2019
I acquired services from Mr Feldman a few years back pertaining to a divorce and support case. Mr Feldman seemed to be very understanding of my position in the beginning of the process.
However, once the court proceedings began, the case was continued twice, due to his inability to make it to court with out proper notice to the court systems. This was not the only discouraging remark. After multiple meeting, it came to fact that I was not properly prepared, with all the paperwork I was suppose to have, relating to my income and expenses, due to lack of instruction by Mr Feldman. While in court, when certain topics of the case became questionable for myself, he was not willing to question these topics aloud, by responding "We have no way to prove that!", even though I was the victim of the same thing.
After all of the court proceedings, he then indicated that he thought i would be okay, and should win the case. However not only did I lose but the affects have lingered for years. After the proceedings, once the courts made a decision, he did not reach out to me to make sure that I received any paperwork, in which I had not. I only learned after my income was being garnished and I had to reach out to him. Even after this I questioned the courts finding and proceeded to follow up with him but he did not want me to appeal the findings even though I was more then sure true facts were not presented in the case.
The disappointment had not stopped there! After paying a high fee for filing the divorce, and receiving no notice of completion, I reached out to Mr Feldman. He claimed to follow up with the opposing attorney pertaining to receipt of divorce but did not have much to show as evidence. The only evidence was one email, much later after the fact, where the opposing lawyer state the his client was not going to sign said divorce. Despite all this, I continued to work with Mr Feldman and ask how much for a refile under a 2 yr separation. He responded by telling me that it would cost the entire fee of the divorce to refile. Needless to say some YEARS LATER, I acquired help from a new attorney who only charged me the filing fees which was a 1/3 of what Mr Feldman was attempting to charge me, which was a huge surprise because this issue could've easily been resolved years earlier.
To give a blunt commentary response to services rendered, I only have this statement to make. Either Mr Feldman has no back bone to respond to any challenging case or something was going on personally for him that negatively affected my case. Either way thousands of dollars were put out for his representation and even more was put out after his representation failed miserably. If i were to speak to anyone thinking of hiring Mr Feldman for representation, I would not only advise against it, but would tell them to continue their search in the complete opposite direction. If you read this far take care and good luck.
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