14 May, 2019
Attourney Noon has represented me in a messy child support and custody case as well as a DUI that I received several years later. After another local attourney completely hosed my support case I enlisted Mr. Noon. He was extremely attentive in court constantly writing notes and making sure that I did not get railroaded like I did in the origional proceedings. He explained everything to me in detail and upon completion I was quite satisfied with the results.. Years later I would essentially get 2 DUIs within a very short time. Mr. Noon represented me on one of them but explained that I did not want him to represent me on the second due to the location and his fees involved if he would be secured for the second case. He say down with me and went through the gaint book of lawyers in the state and through reviewing credentials told me what my best option would be. Long story short. I was found not guilty of the second DUI and Mr. Noon managed to get me ARD on the first DUI saving me from a criminal charge on my record. I can now say in court that I have never been convicted of a crime and a search of my criminal record shows no reference to the above mentioned charges. His fees seemed very reasonable given the results he obtained. I will be sticking with Mr. Noon until he retires in the unfortunate event that I need to enlist the services of council again.
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15 Jun, 2013
I sought atty Noon for representation and it was obvious by his smug, vindictive attitude that he simply didn't care about my case. He was busy thumbing through references while I was explaining my situation. It's obvious he would've gladly taken my $1000 retainer and not given an ounce of real defense if it meant he actually had to do some work. was obvious this guy should've retired long ago. Don't waste your time with this clown.
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07 Sep, 2011
This attorney does not include you in all areas of your case. He left me in the dark so much that I did not know what was going on at any time in the process. I did most of the investigative and reseach work and that was to often not looked at or reviewed. It was never used and when I would make reference to it, he did not have a clue as to what I was talking about. I felt as though I was thrown to the dogs. I literally sat at the judges table with my mouth dropping to the floor over the things that were said, or not said, and done or not done. I never was told what was going to be happening and when I would call with questions I was made to feel as though I was interupting something much more important. I was always feeling lost in the process and was made to fell like I didn't matter. I was even told what to do and was not asked if I wanted to do this or to do that,it was decided for me and that is not what it should have been. But it is hard when you are in a situation where you are distraught and need good counsel to protect you. I was never protected and now live with a serious conviction that is actually a wrongful conviction.
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