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Atx 2005
23 Aug, 2016
They claim to be malpractice lawyers but they need to be shut down for malpractice
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Chris nilges
17 Aug, 2016
I went through a divorce and custody battle. I paid alot of money to start with. My first court date went ok then for months they barely contacted me. I provided them with alot of evidence against my ex whom got married while we still were married. They switched out my lawyer for my last hearing in which he didn't us much of the evidence and I was just advised to just sit there and be quiet while my ex was able to ramble on lies. She had committed 2 counts of bigamy, left the state when the court order said she wasn't suppose to do, and she was living out of hotels living off money I gave her and welfare. So how does someone with a stable military income and a home lose primary custody. I guess I would have been better off with a court appointed lawyer. Which is what she had
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James southworth
18 May, 2016
It's a shame when the lawyer gets a bigger cut of your settlement than you do.....without even having to go to court.
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Michael chaney
01 May, 2016
I would like to say thanks Carlson law firm for screwing my life all up. I was in an accident where i got hit in my Nissan Sentra the car was totaled and my back was and is still all messed up.Nick Pritchet was my attorney,. he screwed me around so long that I had no time to persue the other drivers insurance company. My back still gives me problems to this day. It cost my diploma for which I was enrolled in CTC for computer information and technology. Nick was working for the other insurance company not for me. after 2 years he offered me a 5 thousand dollar settlement of which I was informed Carlson Law firm would resieve 2 thousand 2 hundred dollars and the quack doctor that refused to give me any real pain medication would recieve 24 hundred dollars leaving me with no alternative but to fire thier sorry azzes'
Thanks again to the worst bunch of people i ever met!
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Yolanda jones
31 Mar, 2016
Our experience started off great. We would call and get answers and we were very pleased. However, now whenever we attempt to call to ask questions or get assistance on something, the person we are supposed to be dealing with has continuously changed and no matter how many requests that we put in, we cannot get anyone to call us back. I'm disappointed because we really thought that it would be a good experience and we really wanted to be able to refer others.
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Rachelle clark realtor
24 Mar, 2016
The Carlson Law Firm was amazing with handling the adoption of my son. Not only were the quick and helpful but I ended up paying much less than I anticipated. :)
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18 Mar, 2016
A few days ago
Russell Almon impressed me with his medical knowledge and understanding of how the Carlson Law Firm could provide legal assistance gave me confidence that I should recommend them to my friend who was desperate for help. Russell was clear with his answers to all my questions and fears. I would highly recommend the Carlson firm based on my communications with Russell.
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Mike bennett
18 Mar, 2016
Russell Almon is a man of great integrity and it shines through in all of my dealings with him. He is direct, honest and combines those traits with a wonderful sense of humor which makes dealing with difficult issues much less difficult. His attention to detail gives one confidence that the work he is doing on your behalf will result in the best outcome possible. Russell is no doubt a huge asset to the firm.
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Mackenzie dupons
17 Mar, 2016
I highly recommend Russell Almon. He is very knowledgable in the medical and legal fields. Rusell is incredibly polite,honest, and will work hard for what ever you need.
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Alyssa gerhardt
17 Mar, 2016
Working with Zubeena in the med mal division was great!
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Z mr
17 Mar, 2016
Talk to Sara M! She is so helpful and kind and understanding! She is overall, just amazing! You can't go wrong talking to Sara! Thanks for being so great.
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16 Mar, 2016
I found ms Zubeena to be very informative and knowledgeable, she is an exceptional asset to your firm.
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