11 Apr, 2022
As said in the co- worker reviews she works "close" with opposing council as in "works with" as if she works for. As done nothing but given misinformation and only advice has been "why dont you talk to the judge" or "you should talk to DCFS about that".... Thats your job patty! I have been in the legal system for over 35 years and have delt with 20+ lawyers and i have never seen the amount of unprofessionalalism and been given as much bad advice and sujested to do such stupid things as patty keller has done. If you end up with her. Fire her asap or just give up. She no help only more problums ill add my info when this case is closed... Or i can fire her so that she wont sabotage it more then she already has
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06 Apr, 2016
She was a signed to defend me also against dcfs. She promises to fight for you. She does not . She's a lawyer for dcfs pretending to defend you. She was always cobversating with dcfs workers telling them how wonderful they are. Better to defend yourself. Really this lady is all about dcfs. She is one of them
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17 Feb, 2015
This woman was assigned to us as a defense attorney in a DCFS case. Still ongoing. She at no time
Respected my choices. At no point in the case did she defend me. She agreed with the production (DCFS) and the guardian adliem. At no time did I feel represented. In fact this wanna be big shot attorney was so busy kissing the other attorneys a**, that she actually went out of her way to make sure the or kids stayed in foster care as long as possible. When I voiced my opinion to her about my perspective on the matter I was treated with a "oh well, gee, I guess you should've known better" additude. Don't waste your money.
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