27 Jan, 2017
Ryan Stanger worked for me and my child after my wife took our child in the middle of the day and flew over 1000 miles away without any notice. Our child was barely born when this happened. I was harassed to sign divorce papers, through email, by my wife shortly after that and asked to give up legal custody and basically never see our child- just send significant support every month. This was all shocking and extremely confusing to me and my family. Thank God I came across Ryan, who took my case. He helped and guided me through two extremely difficult years of litigation. He always acted professionally and put the best interest of me and my child first. That was a stark contrast to what I saw from opposing counsel and other legal professionals along the way. Divorce is a tragic event; even more, divorce produces major damage for children caught in the middle. I will always look back with extrem gratitude for Ryan and his team for all they did to make sure my first born child has significant access to me.
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17 Jan, 2017
Our case began August 2014, and recently finished December 2016. I contacted Cordell & Cordell because my daughter and grand daughter had been getting abused by her boyfriend. He was also the father of my grand daughter. He had a very lengthy criminal record of Domestic Violence, theft, drug use and distribution, etc. Our custody case lasted 28 months. Our case lasted 28 months.
We hired Mr. Stanger as our primary counsel, and Mr. Anderson was hired to assist as secondary; assisting in strategy meetings. We felt it very important to be very involved in the day to day events, as well as strategy.
Mr. Stanger was eager, and as his client he was very supportive and informative with all aspects of the case each week, and sometimes each day if needed. He was encouraging that we be involved in understanding the risks and options when participating in planning and strategy. To keep a long and very complex, as well as disturbing, story short; these are some of the major obstacles Mr. Stanger helped us navigate during the case.
Grand daughter was in State custody, and placed in our care while parents participated in reunification.
The death of one parent (my daughter), and our continued weekly grandparent/parent visits and goal of parental custody.
Grand daughter's reunification with surviving parent of abuse and domestic violence.
Grand daughter's trial home placement with surviving parent.
Child custody evaluator.
Numerous motions, responses, hearings, and trial.
What we liked most about Mr. Stanger was that he was always very professional in his demeanor regardless of his presence inside or outside the courtroom; this too with his telephone, and email communications. His documentation was thorough and well written. It was immediately clear to see, within his written documents, that he truly understood the complications, long term danger, and circumstances we and our grand daughter were potentially going to be faced with. Mr. Stanger and team were able to translate our emotional circumstances and potential dangers into legal actions that were reasonable, and could be clearly understood by the Judge, Guardian ad Litem, Attorney General, and others.
Mr. Stanger returned each and every call of ours. More than once he stepped into action when urgency called during late evenings, holidays, and even while on his family vacation. If for some reason Mr. Stanger could not perform the necessary legal action needed immediately, Mr. Anderson was able to do so because Mr. Stanger always collaborated and kept the team current with case details. They made us feel as though we were part of a much larger legal team; more than a single attorney handling a civil family matter during the weekdays. It is my philosophy, in any profession, that every expert will perform the big things because that is usually all they have time for, or because that is what other people will see. However, it is the very small things that really matter and make the difference, because most are not putting forth the added effort. Our case was an emotional rollercoaster for both grand parents and grand child that lasted nearly 2 ½ years. Most of the professionals in their fields failed in their duties to find the truth, and protect the child; placing an innocent little girl’s life and future at stake and in harms way.
At the end and final hour truth appeared to show her face to save an innocent small child for which we are so grateful. It was our legal team in the Clearfield office of Cordell & Cordell that helped us hold and strengthen our position each step of the way. We now have permanent custody our little girl which is what her mother had wanted for her baby.
Our humble gratitude for Ryan, Doug, Tiffany and others who worked on this case, and bringing it to a successful conclusion.
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18 Nov, 2016
Ryan Stanger and team did an unbelievable job. I had a very complex case made even more complex by the opposing side and their counsel. Ryan was a great strategist, navigated the complex issues, and helped me prevail for a very positive resolution. I loved the teamwork atmosphere that he brought to my case.
During the course of me retaining Ryan, he was always on top of all legal proceedings, had extremely prompt follow-up and always did exactly as he promised. I have recommended Ryan to other acquaintance and will be recommending Ryan and the team at Cordell and Cordell in the future.
If you have a need of a solid, upstanding lawyer that has a great grasp of the Utah family court and can help guide you expertly through the myriad of issues about your divorce, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ryan.
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11 Feb, 2016
I was represented by Douglas Anderson and Ryan Stanger of Cordell & Cordell, Clearfield Utah branch. I spent over $20,000.00 in 4 months and lost physical and legal custody of my son and have no visitation. I could not possibly have done worse if I represented myself. These inexperienced attorneys told me I could go to jail for swearing at my ex-wife. In retrospect it all seems preposterous and it was.
If you have a complex family law case, do not go anywhere near the Cordell office. These guys have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They may have passed the bar, but they have no practical experience and opposing counsel tore them apart. Everything they did was last minute and defensive. They never seemed to be able to strategize or think proactively. And they have no guts for court. Mediation was a joke. Ryan Stanger attended at $250.00 per hour, but did nothing on my behalf. He just cracked jokes and seemed to enjoy himself. Meanwhile, opposing counsel called all the shots and the mediator (also at $250.00 per hour) went along for the ride. I spent $2,500.00 on that one day alone and achieved zero.
I took my case to another attorney and he was appalled. He called what they did malpractice. I am now working with him (spending more money) to regain what I lost.
I trusted Cordell & Cordell of Clearfield Utah and they let me down. Don’t let it happen to you.
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