Lorena corral gerdes
12 May, 2021
Hace 6 años me divorcié y el fue mi abogado, ahora mi ex esposo me llevo a corte y volví a contactar al abogado Damon Morris, realmente estoy feliz de haberlo echo! Mi ex esposo quería sacarme hasta lo que no tengo y en la mediación yo ya estaba muy nerviosa por lo que estaba pasando ya por meses con mi ex esposo y cansada que hiba a aceptar lo que el pedía y mi abogado no lo permitió y peleo y gracias a Dios y a mi abogado mi ex esposo paro con sus cosas y el caso se cerró y mi ex no se salió con la suya, realmente lo recomiendo 100% habla español y realmente me sentí muy cómoda con el, si e el futuro necesito un abogado lo volvería a buscar.
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21 Jan, 2018
Damon's response to my original review is a complete fabricated lie. Of course, I'm not surprised. Damon refused to provide any work what-so-ever unless I maintained a $2,500 balance at all times, so to say I refused to pay for work done on my behalf is ridiculous especially since I was tripled charged for services, which I regrettably paid for.
I paid with checks the majority of the time because Mountain View Law Group charges 3.5% fee if you pay with a card. They absolutely did not hold a single check for 30-60 days. Every single check I wrote to Mountain View Law Group cleared my account within 7-14 days. There was one check that bounced because I had post-dated the check a few days out from when I hand-carried the check to their office. For some reason, with this check, they immediately tried cashing the check the same day I dropped it off.
Based on conversations I had with Damon at the time I got the impression he was financially struggling and desperately needed money and why this check tried clearing so much earlier than all the previous checks.
The withdrawal letter I received from Damon did not mention a single word about owing anyone money. After he withdrew as my attorney based on unjust grounds and a complete fabricated lie, he sent me a bill for a little over $1,000. I, of course, did not pay this bill. Who would?
Unfortunately, because Damon financially robbed me, I was not able to continue paying my other bills and those companies have since filed lawsuits. I had never had a single 30-day late payment in my life until I hired Damon.
Damon has no right to point fingers at others for not paying their bills when he himself has filed bankruptcy.
If you are reading this review, you may also be interested to know that Damon use to own his own law practice in Nevada. He no longer has that business and he had to move to Utah to continue practicing. I think he pissed off one too many clients out there and the only way he could get work was to move to another state, but that's just my personal opinion.
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