Overall rating
11 Jul, 2009
I had a personal injury on the Railroad about 4 years ago, were I suffered, a mild traumatic Brain injury, during a rear end collision. I called this law firm because they came recommended by a fellow worker. I did not know what to expect, for I have never had an injury nor ever needed a lawyer before. I made the call to an investigator around 8pm that night, and within 2 hours , I had a lawyer on the phone. I had many questions, and they had the answers. Mr. Shapiro and his firm were very up front and told me the truth. Not to run me in circles or to beat around the bush. They told me the truth. And I feel you need that ,and it was very important to me.
During my injury when I had been to some local specialist for my Brain injury,and noting seemed to help. They looked into finding me a specialist that specificity specialized in the type of injury I had, I finally got some relief. I must say they were very concerned about my well-being first and for most. Their investigator on my case called me at least once a week to check on me. And if I needed them, I knew they were only a phone call away. I was took out of service of course by the Rail Road, as most rail roader's are in a case of this nature. During the time I was off, I was not able to pay the doctor bill's that had accumulated, and the lawyer and his firm, did not hesitate to send out a lean letter to the providers, to make sure that all I had to do is get better. It was very hard during this time, My wife did not work, and I had three small children that depended on me. There was no way I thought this could have ever happened to me. But I am sure glad there was Mr. Shapiro and his firm was there to see me threw it. I was off for a year, and 29 days. After recovering from my injury, I was able to return to work. With the help I received from this very knowledgeable firm with a rail road case, and my personal injury case. They helped with contacting the right people to aid in getting me back to work to continue my career, as a locomotive engineer. I did settle for an agreed amount between me and my lawyer, with out having the pressure of going to court. I was very happy with the out come with the case, I got my job back and a settlement to boot. After all isn't that what we all hope for. I would highly recommend Mr. Shapiro and his firm In an Injury on the Rail Road, or in any Personal injury case. I know my self I keep there phone number with me at all times.
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09 Jul, 2009
No one enjoys going to court and being faced with the unknown. Recently, I found myself needing a lawyer. I am so glad that I chose Richard Shapiro to represent me in my case. He took the time to listen to my concerns and addressed each one. With his vast knowledge of the law and experince he took the time to explain each aspect my case throughout the process. He researched the law and was well versed on the particulars as they pertained to my case When we went to court , twice, he argued my case impressively. We won!! I am relieved and glad that I asked Richard Shapiro to represent me. I would recommend him to anyone. If you are looking for somone who can get the job done, he can!
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