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Brenda parent

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15 Jun, 2017
I hired Att Marquette if you would to know how good of lawyer he is look up Parent vs Home Depot & Citi Bank and make your call on hiring his service or not. We spent over 5 years in federal court and thousands of dollars on a lawsuit that should have been open and settled with in 6 months. Home Depot and Citi Bank applied another persons credit card purchase to my credit card 6 months after the purchase and claimed it was mine to pay. Read the case! I lost because my Laywer filed under Wisconsin cousumer act. And had me settle with Citi Bank.And told me we will go after Home Depot. ( well wrong).The Judge though out my case because we can't sue Home Depot Under the WCA.because they do not collect the dedt. Or issue the C/C, Citi Bank does.And ask him why he did not try to collect the 25,000 I still owed him,and what happend in the case will Lee at the end.I would love to no his answer.He never gave as an answer.This cost me 4 lawsuits and 10,000 of thousand of dollars. Thanks
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