Kristine goetz acker
25 Jun, 2023
I hired Attorney Robert Gingras in 1995 for sexual harassment by then Columbia County District Attorney Mark Bennett. Attorney Gingras had agreed to represent me and came highly recommended. This case dragged on unusually long, until 1999, when he said that the 7th circuit, Judge Barbara Crabb, ruled on a case which basically invalidated quid pro quo cases, meaning to me it was ok for an employee to hinge a person's employment on sexual activity. I cannot find any proof of this and feel strongly that either Attorney Gingras wanted to make my case go away or was contacted by the other side, who had strong ties to powerful people, including Governor Tommy Thompson. Attorney Gingras says in his ads he "fights for the little guys." I don't believe this is true and do not feel I was adequately represented by Attorney Gingras. He never seemed to care. His affect was not empathetic at all. I was constantly chasing him for answers and was not kept in the loop. I had to leave my job because the harassment wouldn't stop. I wish very much that I had hired an attorney that cared, because I was young, naive and had my whole career ahead of me. Further, I deserved much better representation.
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