Overall rating
Alexander braga
29 Dec, 2019
Like many immigrants, I struggled for a very long time to bring my papers to a legal status. For almost two decades I was on a legal limbo not knowing what the next day would bring me. It all changed when I was referred to Alyona Moliboga’s Law Firm. The impact she had on my case was palpable. Thanks to her efficient labor and her knowledge of immigration laws, today I have my green card. Alyona inspires trust and confidence. She has a lot of empathy, she is meticulous and will tell you upfront everything about your case. What can go right, what can go wrong and what can be done if the latter happens. I’m very grateful my path crossed with hers. Thanks to her in a couple more years I shall have my citizenship. Thank you, Alyona!
Al igual que muchos inmigrantes, luché durante mucho tiempo para llevar mis documentos a un estado legal. Durante casi dos décadas estuve en un limbo legal sin saber qué me traería el día siguiente. Todo cambió cuando me remitieron al bufete de abogados de Alyona Moliboga. El impacto que tuvo en mi caso fue palpable. Gracias a su eficiente trabajo y su conocimiento de las leyes de inmigración, hoy tengo mi tarjeta de residencia. Alyona inspira confianza y seguridad. Ella tiene mucha empatía, es meticulosa y le contará por adelantado todo sobre su caso. Qué puede salir bien, qué puede salir mal y qué se puede hacer si esto sucede. Estoy muy agradecido de que mi camino se cruzara con el de ella. Gracias a ella en un par de años más tendré mi ciudadanía. Gracias Alyona!
Alexander Braga
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18 Oct, 2019
What can I say about Thomas Fleming other than he is an amazing lawyer. I had a lapse in judgement and was arrested for domestic violence incident. In the beginning I was lost. I hardly get in trouble so getting arrested and what follows after is something I’m not familiar with. After days of the incident and reading forums and watching YouTube vids of what could potentially happened to me I was having real bad anxiety attacks. So I went to look up a lawyer who would take my case. I emailed a couple lawyers but Thomas was the first who responded quickly. After explaining to Thomas my situation he gave me a peace of mind and knew I needed not look no further. Thomas gave me a list of things to do before my first court date. That’s when good things started happening and when we went to court a slight miracle happened. Long story short after a year and 1 month later we arrived at my 4th court appearance because it kept getting pushed which wasn’t a bad thing because at the end I received way less than I should’ve got. Thomas tirelessly worked on my case for over a year and was always there to answer any questions or just check up on me. Thomas really cares about his clients and about his work and it shows. Thomas amazed me in court many time with the knowledge he would speak in the court room towards the DA and the judge. Because of Thomas I have a second chance at life and I don’t intend to ruin that chance. At first the court and DA demanded 60 days of jail time for my case. After intense negotiations Thomas convince the court and DA of no jail time and no work details. Thomas pulled of a miracle!!!! As Thomas says, all glory goes to God! Not only did I have the best lawyer I could ask for, I believe I made a friend and a mentor I look up too. So if you’re going through hard times, remember what you’re going through doesn’t define who you are, it’s what you do after. Forgive yourself, pick yourself back up, and help others who are in need.
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Luis morales
23 Jul, 2019
A Yelp review lacks the sufficient space to write how much Thomas Fleming means to me. I was facing a second DUI during a challenging period of my life where I lacked integrity and spirituality to lead a better life. I contacted Thomas Fleming after spending hours reading multiple reviews and within minutes of speaking, I knew I found my attorney. His impressive Yale law education, his over twenty years of experience as a DUI attorney, and his concern in my spiritual growth is why I was fortunate enough to retain Thomas Fleming as my attorney.
Thomas Fleming is a brilliant attorney. He was able to have my second DUI charge reduced to a Wet and Reckless and enter a Helmandollar plea of not guilty. The outcome for my case is rare for a first DUI. It is a miracle for a second DUI. My driving record is saved, I kept my driver's license, and my career is safe. Only an attorney like Thomas Fleming with strong analytical skills, his knowledge of the law, perseverance, negotiation talent, people skills, creativity and compassion can deliver such a lifesaving outcome.
Thomas Fleming is more than my attorney- he is my friend and mentor. He continues to help me after my case to navigate the complex bureaucratic process. He mentors me to lead a better life by placing priority in my spirituality. I am fortunate to have found Thomas Fleming. I hope you are too.
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27 Jun, 2019
Grats d
28 May, 2019
Chris n
25 Apr, 2019
Thomas helped me get my DUI reduced to a Wet Reckless with the court, and Got my Case Dismissed completed with the DMV, he is a life saver he saved me thousands of dollars on my insurance and DUI fees. Thomas is a godly man and goes above and beyond in his cases, he is a very compassionate lawyer if you want the best outcome pick, Thomas Fleming! Glad I met him.
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Elizabeth gonzalez
28 Feb, 2019
They say Miracles happen Every Day I wasn't a believer until I let Thomos. Last April I was charged with my first offense of a DUI, I couldn't believe it I have been never in Trouble before and I was scared to death. So after being released from the detention center overnight I knew I never wanted to be there again, So as soon as I got home I started to search for attorneys, I didn't know where to start since I've never done this before so my husband was helping me, He said "why don't you give this guy a call I have a good feeling about him" I said "ok".
I knew as soon as we started talking and he told me everything is going to be okay and he was a firm believer of God I know I found my lawyer. As the months past by and we were preparing for my court date I was very scared and didn't know what to expect, Thomos was there for me the whole time.
My court date came and all I can do is pray and hope everything is going to be ok and so we prayed together and when it came to the moment, I was not punished in the way I was expecting. I got very lucky and blessed to have been received the consequences I did. Which included
--Found not guilty of DUI in court (Helmandollar order)
--Found not guilty of DUI with DMV
--License never suspended
--No IID, no SR 22 insurance
--No in person DUI school
--No jail or work details
--No $2,000+ fine
Thank you Thomos you Truly are a blessing and helped me become a stronger and better person then I was before.
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Andy kim
16 Dec, 2018
I want to start off first by saying Thomas came through when I needed him the most. I was in a desperate place where I was put in a bad situation.
I was charged with a DUI involving a .14 breath test and an accident.
It all looked bad but I was referred to Thomas by a good friend and it was the best decision I have ever made.
Thomas was able to convince the prosecutor and court to give me Diversion on a Public Intoxication charge (meaning there is no conviction on anything), and give me a verdict of Not Guilty of the DUI charge (Helmandollar order). This is also a court order to DMV to not suspend my license. We won in both courts!
I'm sure if it wasn't for thomas my situation would of had a different outcome that didn't favor me. Thomas from the start was very understanding of my ordeal. He made me feel at ease even at my most anxious times. I was weak but he made me find strength in my faith and with him I had hope. He believed in my case and was both a spiritual advisor and friend.
When it came to standing in front of a judge I was scared but with Thomas standing next to me he gave me confidence and I had faith in him. He literally was my guardian angel and I believe it was divine intervention that I was introduced to him.
If you find yourself in a time of uncertainty I can strongly say Thomas is the man to turn to. He is not the run of the mill lawyer. He is truley invested in your case as much as you are, if not more because he believes what he does.
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Tom byrd
02 Oct, 2017
The worst attorney and service that I've ever had to endure. These guys love to stretch out a case.
also real good at Shifting the blame to you for no communication
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John calip
18 Jan, 2017
I cannot fathom how thankful I was to have Thomas as my defender, I was referred to him from my friends who were also his clients and heard wonderful things. I had to face a misdemeanor for reckless driving. I didn't qualify for a public defender so I called him up and talked to him on the phone. He was very comforting to talk on the phone, since this was my first criminal offense, I was scared. His tone was confident and assuring which speaks volume to anyone reading this. He's not the cheapest attorney or most expensive, but the price you pay for him to represent you is priceless. Don't waste your money going to some attorneys that mailed you brochures in your mail box, do it right the first time and go to him you won't regret it. With that said, he brought my misdemeanor of a reckless driving to an infraction of not obeying a traffic sign on a PRIVATE ROAD. That is what I call a miracle worker.
Thomas is now my go-to and will always refer him to anyone that needs an attorney in a heartbeat. Thank you for everything!
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John zenares
11 May, 2016
I was arrested for a DUI and it was also my first serious traffic violation. I have no idea what to do until my wife thought of searching for DUI lawyer with excellent track record, and she found Thomas Fleming. We did some quick check with his reviews and I like what other people says. With my first meeting with Thomas I already understand why his reviews are great. He is very confident and knowledgeable on DUI cases. He is very easy to work with and a kind of person where you can have a really serious and honest conversation. He right away understood my situation and told me his plan of how to win the case, it was really a relief.
We won the case and I retained my driving privilege. Thanks for your excellent service.
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Bay sports
15 Feb, 2016