Overall rating
Karen nathanson
29 Dec, 2018
Mark c
21 Dec, 2018
Scott “hop jockey” johnson
20 Dec, 2018
Anthony garcia
18 Dec, 2018
Sawaya Law did a great job on my SSDI case. Their expert lawyers were fast, and got me a very fair settlement.
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Robert nevarez
18 Dec, 2018
I like the way the Sawaya Firm took care of my cases. Clay Harris was excellent on negotiating my case and Alicia was awesome. Alicia was able to negotiate a lot of reductions on my medical bills. I wasn't as happy with the service before Clay and Alicia or I would have given them a 5 star.
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Stacie pierce
18 Dec, 2018
Robert taylor
03 Dec, 2018
We were very disappointed with the Sawyaya Law firm today. We went in to discuss a SSI disability case with a Aurora Perez. After waiting 30 minutes she finally came down to greet us and take us back for a discussion. She took us back to the employee break room to sit down and talk. The break room where all the employees can hear, I guess the Sawaya Law Firm does not care that a new client have some sense of privacy. She lit into us in a very condescending manner. She did not listen and explain to us how SSI works in a kind and professional manner. She was to busy undermining our conversation and belittling our thoughts as we tried to explain what our situation was. She could only tell us what she thought the scenario would look like but she kept contradicting herself at the same time. All I can say is do not waste your time, we are going to look for a Law Firm that will treat the clients with understanding and respect.
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A x
26 Nov, 2018
Caleb eads
24 Nov, 2018
This firm did everything possible for my benefit. Very smooth as well as a swift return.
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Deanna “hunneybear” mestas
15 Nov, 2018
Saying and doing are two different things
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Bob frisco
02 Nov, 2018
My friends house is across the street from their office. The battery in my car remote died and so I set off the alarm one morning using the key and going for the spare battery in the glove box. I wasn't awake and the horn blared while I pryed the remote apart in my slippers.
2 or 3 Representatives of the law firm came out to make sure that a crime wasn't being committed and if there was one, they might have a client? LOL!
Few people even pay attention to car alarms these days unless you're trying to sleep. These women were paying attention. My wife works for attorneys and they do not pay attention to her.
Based on that story, I would recommend their services and tell them the silver Dodge sent you.
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Da grind
02 Nov, 2018
Worst law firm in Colorado! Shawn Knight dropped my wife's case 2 weeks before court, because we questioned his abilities he is a small man with a very big ego that could not handle the fact that we questioned how he handled the case . They took our money and we got nothing. Do yourself a favor and find a better law firm. We tried to contact the man who's name is on the business but no one would let us speak to him . He runs all the t.v. adds talking a big game. reality is they do not care about the client only the all mighty dollar.
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