Overall rating
Leandro espinosa
16 Nov, 2015
Jonathan Blecher is the best DUI lawyer in Miami, in my opinion. After considering different case scenarios, Dr. Blecher was able to reduce my charges from DUI to Reckless Driving with no conviction and an unrestricted driver license (no d.l. suspension). This is unbelievable! The BEST DUI LAWYER! Since the beginning, in our first consultation, he made me feel very secure and comfortable with my adverse situation. The night I had the accident, I was arrested for DUI, and took the breath test. I also received a second citation for "careless driving". This was a difficult case.Dr. Blecher not only reduced my charges, he was also able to dismiss and close this second traffic citation. AMAZING! I highly recommend Dr. Blecher for his knowledge and professionalism.
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Philippe thomas
24 Feb, 2015
The Right Attorney for All Walks of People
I proudly write this letter of recommendation for my champion attorney, Mr. Jonathan Blecher, whose expertise in legal defense avoided me a devastating legal pitfall, when I was charged with my second Driving Under the Influence (DUI) violation.
Innocently enough, it was the Fourth of July, and the incident occurred with my trying to get home after having one beer over my sister’s house. After my arrest, and as soon as I was bailed out of jail, I did an internet search for “DUI in Miami Dade” and there Jonathan’s website link came up. At my first glimpse, his smile told me he was from a familiar place (New York), but with an allure cognizant of the Floridian lifestyle, one that smoothed and eased my anxiety.
I called Jonathan and sure enough, his voice matched the smile. After the intake, he explained the journey ahead and made it comprehendible. He asked me to go home and rest, knowing he’d now be in charge of my defense, and little did I know at the time, that I was in very good hands at that!
The charge carried a possible 270 days in jail and all kinds of fees. But eight months later, Mr. Blecher was able to get my DUI charge reduced to a “Reckless Driving”, no jail time, a probation term of one year, no license suspension and $1,500 in court costs and fees. In addition, the Judge even agreed to allow me to travel as part of my consulting work related activities.
I know that SEO is important with today’s internet searches, and there are so many lawyers to choose from, so I feel enormously blessed to have been able to find Mr. Blecher in my moment of need. He is in my fair estimation amongst those I would classify as “a gentleman and a scholar”, the right attorney for people of all walks of life!
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