Overall rating
Youngsik kim
22 Jul, 2020
Amazing counseling
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Kei lee
20 Jul, 2020
친절하고 전문적인 서비스, 특히 교통사고 나신 분들에게 강추입니다!!
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Fred shin
20 Jul, 2020
처음에 교통사고가 났을때 박모 변호사를 소개받고 일을 진행했는데, 그분은 너무 불성실하고 사무실도 알수없는 곳에서 일을 하고 진실성이 없어 보였습니다.
그래서 이재은 변호사한태로 옮겼습니다. 변호사를 변경하고나서 너무나 잘못 작성된 소송서류들을 다시 원래 위치로 돌려주시고 끝날때까지 성심 성의껏 저를 돌봐주셨습니다.
신뢰가 무었보다 중요한 지금 세상에서 이재은 로펌에서는
진심으로 성심껏 대해주셨고 끝마무리도 깨끗하게 해주셨습니다. 강추 합니다.
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Jong kim
13 Jul, 2020
I consulted Jae Lee Law about a car accident case from July 2018. Although the damage from this accident was so severe that my car was total loss, the other party with fault argued that the injuries I incurred, as reflected on the MRI, were not significantly different from another car accident I had caused about a year ago.
Although this was a difficult case, Attorney Jae Lee and her staff handled the case with great care and attention, as if this were their own. Thanks to their persistence, we were able to reach a settlement I was very satisfied with.
Everyone who helped me in the process was extremely knowledgeable, accessible and helpful. Thanks to Jae Lee Law, I was able to receive the full medical treatment I needed despite the opposing insurance company’s attempt to cut it short.
Attorney Jae Lee is not only a professional and supportive advocate, but she also made this entire process efficient and stress-free. I would highly recommend her services.
저는 2018. 7월에 난 교통사고 케이스를 의뢰하였습니다. 이 사고로 차의 데미지와 Injury가 컸음에도 불구하고 2017. 11월에 내 잘못으로 난 다른 사고로 기인한 injury와 MRI에서 차이가 없다고 상대방에서 주장하여 어려움이 많았어요.
그러나 Jae Lee 변호사와 staff 들이 친절하고 상대방에서 무시하는 일까지도 끝까지 주장해서 충분한 보상을 받을 수 있도록 해 주었습니다.
그들의 care 는 가족같은 마음으로 너무 친절하고 끈질기게 포기하지 않고 해주었어요. 특히 상대 보험에서 병원치료 기간을 단축시킬때도 끝까지 어필하여 충분한 기간동안 치료 받을 수 있게 해주었어요.
복잡하고 어려운 케이스를 정말 나이스하게 처리한 Jae Lee 변호사님이십니다.
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Junghoon son
10 Jul, 2020
친절성과 전문성까지 갖춘것같습니다..추후에 큰일이 생기면 먼저 연락해야할곳이라고 생각합니다
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John huh
08 Jul, 2020
Excellent team! I always recommend Jae Lee Law, they took great care for my 1st case and I’m back here with my subsequent case as well. I wouldn’t go anywhere else in a million years. Thank you Jae Lee and (BP) the office manager is fantastic, he knows how to care for his clients! Polite and professional staff too.
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08 Jul, 2020
Jay lee
05 Jul, 2020
친절 합니다
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Youngsok do
30 Jun, 2020
Highly recommended!!!
It was really great help and services.
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Jerry kim
30 Jun, 2020
Smart firm smart people would definitely recommend family and friends I care about to Jae.
Special thanks to Mr Park for his exceptional care throughout my case and my fathers case and my wife’s and everyone I recommended to go there were all super satisfied
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Kevin jang (k)
27 Jun, 2020
최선을 다해주시는 모습이 아릅답네요.
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Kang-wook lee
18 Jun, 2020