Overall rating
Maria salas
16 Jun, 2022
TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Qué ABOGADO hace una mediación sin Los RESULTADOS MEDICOS finales?? ELLOS; NO LOS RECOMIENDO, CUIDADO, son personas muy AMABLES, excelente servicio Al Cliente, pero a la hora de defender, TE dejan COMPLEMENTE SOLO. Mi Caso lo resolvieron en 2 meses, siempre DECIAN, no se preocupe, su caso vá super bien y lamentablemente me confié Al 100%. Conocí a la Abogada 3 minutos antes de la mediación. La nota final de mi Doctor decia: NO PUEDE USAR EL BRAZO DERECHO, estaba Todo muy claro y aún así la COMPAÑIA me pagó lo que Ellos quisieron, una BURLA; mientras mi Abogada permanecia en silencio, sin ningún ARGUMENTO a mi favor, aún con mi brazo hinchado y la nota médica en espera de una possible operation, Ellos abogaron que era una lesion leve, y mi Abogada aceptó Todo lo que la COMPAÑIA DECIA, INCREIBLE, teniendo soporte medico a mi favor, la Abogada no hiso NADA, solo guardó silencio. NO LES IMPORTA TU SALUD, SOLO EL 25%. MUY MAL TRABAJO SRA JILL.
Dejo Este review, para que no tengan que pasar por Algo tan humillante y desagradable. El confiar en que son PROFESSIONALES y Todo está Bien y que al final Veas la superioridad professional del ABOGADO contrario y que dejan tu Caso como SI nada, es lo más frustrate . Aquí sigo yo, con mi brazo dañado, hinchado por haber escogido está mala firma de ABOGADOS. THEY'RE NOT HONEST
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Michael affleck
24 May, 2022
Someone ambushes clients who works for the defense and lies to them about tolling of statutes, if that wasn't true you could outright kill in the medical field if you pre know that a victim won't be able to do anything for three years since their condition is so bad and obviously all victims are being abused.
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Charlitt webb
17 May, 2022
I ain't never had a experience like this before I hate I mean hate that I even chose these people very unprofessional
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04 Feb, 2022
An amazing firm that assisted me in getting the best possible outcome of my claim. Without this firm I wouldn’t have known what to do to get my claim after my accident.
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Yusuf benallal
13 Jan, 2022
These guys are the best! Super responsive! Detailed! They are truly out for the benefit of their clients.
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Harold williams
04 Jan, 2022
To put it simple, Ted and his team are the best at what they do.....
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Lisa cash
27 Dec, 2021
They are very polite, but slow on responding back in a reasonable time frame.
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Gavin everingham
17 Nov, 2021
Darrell Gaddy, Nichole Edwards, and Raul Palacios all were incredibly helpful during every step of the way with my case. I was involved in a serious collision and they made sure I was taken care of from start to finish.
They eased all of my worries and were incredibly professional and knowledgeable about every aspect of my case.
I would 100% recommend this firm to anyone that has been involved in a collision.
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Amy bankhead
16 Nov, 2021
They are professional and accurate of what they do. They are very responsive and care about your needs. Keep you up-to-date of what's going on with your account and also very prompt. I would recommend this law firm to anyone that need someone help with their situation.
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Haley nickell
01 Nov, 2021
I was told 10-12 buisness days till i had my check and now tomorrow makes 12 days and im being told i have to sign paper work at the end of this week than go back up there and get my check
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Marian dillingham
28 Oct, 2021
Justin Lowenberg was a great attorney during my mediation and although the financial compensation was low.... it still resulted in a win for us when the insurance company was not willing to pay anything on my minor accident case. Also a thank you to Sarah Cline who kept me informed on everything. Great firm. Thanks Ted. A. Greve & Associates!
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T smith
20 Oct, 2021
Does not return calls
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