Overall rating
Taylor nichols
12 May, 2022
Madeline mirus
12 May, 2022
Cody stuhmer
12 May, 2022
Scooter rubi
12 May, 2022
Nick m
02 May, 2022
Securing Jocelyn's services are your best chance when facing a 15-6 investigation or reprimand.
During Command I came under investigation after being accused of a relationship with a subordinate. I initially tried to rebut the investigation myself with legal assistance. Despite the Investigating Officer changing his recommendations the CG issued me a GOMOR.
I retained Jocelyn at this point and was able to sway the Deputy CG to file the GOMOR locally. I will be able to exit my Command without relief or a referred OER. I will not be facing a board and my security clearance is safe. I regret not retaining Jocelyn from the start. Her team worked hard for me and I could be facing far worse without her.
Investigations are stacked against you and you will feel guilty until proven innocent. Everyone will air their grievances and take advantage. This is on top of all the other worries and feeling like an outcast. Having Jocelyn's skills and experience on your side is exactly what you need in such times.
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Brandt stohr
23 Apr, 2022
Wickedness, Lawlessness & Inequity, this firm will be brought down, I say this as The Word if I am not The Word, then I pray God will Strike me down, This is The End, I do not say this of my own authority, but of what I hear & am told.
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Alexandra hickman
22 Apr, 2022
Mr. Harnish is an excellent attorney that is experienced in military law and its system. His vast knowledge and experience of the military judicial system were instrumental in my case. He advocates for his clients and kept me informed every step of the way. I had the best possible outcome in my case and I know it was in large part to his expertise. Thank you Mr. Harnish!
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Kurt forsberg
12 Apr, 2022
I was charged with a misdemeanor. I needed a rapid dismissal, or I risked losing my Washington State gaming license, and thereby my job in a casino. I believed hiring an attorney gave me the best chance at success, so I called Vindicate Law Group. I don't remember the name of the woman I spoke to initially, but I told her I wanted to immediately file a motion for dismissal. She told me that was something they could do, but that I needed to pay their fee up front. She said that, were the case dismissed in a timely manner, the fee would be refunded and I would only be charged an hourly rate for the time spent on my case. I paid the fee and my case was assigned to Blake Harris.
In my first conversation with Mr. Harris I told him exactly what I had said in my first phone call. He told me a motion for dismissal wasn't possible. I told him that was the only reason I had hired his firm. He told me I had already signed a contract, so I couldn't back out.
My case was not dismissed right away. I lost my job. Mr. Harris then spent the next six months requesting continuance after continuance while negotiating a plea bargain. The best deal he could get me would see my charge dismissed after two years. I attempted to satisfy the prosecutor's requests. She wanted me to pay for counseling. I told Mr. Harris I could not pay for counseling, since I had just lost my job. I sought free counseling, but that was not satisfactory.
Eventually I ran out of patience and asked to take it to trial. Mr. Harris said I would have to pay more. I reminded him that I was no longer employed. I told him I'd take my chance with a public defender. The public defender had my charge dismissed at my very next hearing.
I should have saved my money. It really would have come in handy after I lost my job.
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Zach smith
11 Mar, 2022
I worked with Sean Mangan to extricate myself from a difficult situation in the military, and he performed wonders. 10/10 recommend you work with this firm, and with Sean in particular. He got me everything I wanted and needed, and I am confident he will do the same for you!
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Nathan roemmich
25 Feb, 2022
David Yando was amazing and made this first time (and hopefully last) bankruptcy process as straightforward and painless as possible and explained the ins and outs of my options very clearly and simply in a way I could follow. He also offered a very clear pricing plan for the process and also includes a program to help start building credit again once the process is all through. All in all very satisfied and highly recommend Mr. Yando and the Washington Fresh Start offices.
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Katrina matthias
20 Feb, 2022
I had a mis understanding with them in the start of journey becoming debt free and everyone i the office was so kind and nice and so helpful. I will suggest this place t anyone needing help. Thank you such for helping me get my life on a better road !
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Emily mcferon
19 Feb, 2022
Blake did a great job at getting my case dismissed! We had the unfortunate luck of having a prosecutor who was unresponsive, so the whole case took a few months before anything happened. Blake was very communicative during that time with updating me on any new information, or what he anticipated the outcome would be. He pushed the case to trial where it was dismissed. The prosecutor failed to show up in person on that day and was reprimanded by the judge resulting in a more favorable dismissal. So, it really couldn’t have gone any better. I hope I’m never in this sort of situation again but if I am I won’t hesitate to call Blake!
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