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31 May, 2021 by Saad
Gary I read your review. Frank is still working and is a danger to the community. Please email me
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10 Apr, 2021 by Anonymous
I’ve tried be patient with this guy but feel like I’ve just been getting the run around from day 1. I’ve been trying to get some concrete answers on petitioning for a paternity test for several weeks and can’t seem to get any straight answers. I feel like I just keep leaving messages or just talking to his assistant without any real progress. It doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult. At this point I might as well get a law degree and do it myself. Thanks for nothing.
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10 Mar, 2021 by Demmy
My experience with Frank has been abysmal. He has filed 14 stupid motions and they all have been ignored or dismisssed.. He is unable to hold a thought and is very confused. Recently after ten minutes he still could not find the spot where he was reading. He should have been given his gold watch and sent to the nursing home. WORSE he is gleefully willing to lie and bend things in court. I initially thought Frank might just be acting that he was this lame and elderly but as time went on it is clear the clock has taken a toll on old Frankie. As he prepares for the end and a definite destination of Hell Frankie quotes the Bible and hundred year old case law. It made me very concerned to have him working this case and I still worry about what he did since it makes no sense. When he speaks he rambles and is loud because he refuses t o wear a hearing aid. I wanted to like Frank my my personal informed opinion is you could bring a cardboard cutout to the court, get the same service and save time and money. I hope I never see him on my case again.
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27 Jun, 2019 by Anonymous
I'd love to give Joel 5 stars but working with him wasn't pleasant. He never returned phone calls and didn't help my case much. He represented me in an automotive accident case and wanted to keep it open in case I suffered any future related injuries. Nearly two years after the accident I started suffering with consistent neck problems and when I tried to reach out to him, he never contacted me back. I called and emailed; nothing. Because of him I never received anything for pain and suffering. Had I represented myself I would have been able to collect something. I actually worked against me to hire him. He convinces you that hiring him is for your benefit but if he's not making a ton of money off of you, he completely ignores you and makes you feel like you're not even worth a single second of his time.
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17 Jul, 2015 by Ryan randall
Dishonest and unethical. Took my case then had his secretary call me 2 days before the hearing he rescheduled and say he decided to not work criminal cases anymore. Turns out he had a conflict of interest but instead of just telling me he had her lie. Then he lied to the disciplinary board when I filed a complaint and told them he called me and told me it was a conflict of interst and sent me a letter that I did not have to pay the bill he sent me. He never said that to me or sent me a letter. He lied to cover his own butt
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28 Jul, 2010 by Anonymous
Called daily to get response. Never returns calls. Doesnt "have time". Took me 3 months to get a reply to an urgent matter; I called almost daily.
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21 Apr, 2017 by Anonymous
I felt Gail was more sympathetic to my ex-spouse's situation, and not as much as mine or my child's plight! During our support negotiation, she didn't "fight" for my son, and instead, advised me to settle for a payment BELOW the minimum recommended payment! I went back later on my own (after she charged me for a very expensive fee to let the court know she no longer represented me) and got more money. I did more on my own without paying her very expensive fees!
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10 Mar, 2013 by Jane
Gail was never able to really listen to me, nor did she advocate for me as I thought a true "Super" attorney would. At the end of my two year QDRO case, I wrote Gail, and her two partners, a letter outlining 5 areas in which I was dissatisfied with Gail's work. No one ever answered me. Gail and her firm are very expensive. I would never recommend her. Use someone else who may really listen to you, work for you, and not cost as much.
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13 Oct, 2018 by Anonymous
My daughter was court appointment this so called attorney. She showed up to her first hearing and could not provide any information at all. My daughter was ordered to have a D&A evaluation within 5 weeks of her incarceration. After the 5 weeks had come and gone I tried to reach Ms. Keim to question her as to why it had not been done no no avail. She NEVER called me back. She apparently has no secretary because all I ever got was her voicemail. I left messages at her office and on her cell phone begging her to call me back. My daughters hearing before the judge was an even bigger joke. I called her the day of the hearing and begged her to call me, I even offered her money if that is what it was going to take for a return phone call. I NEVER got that call. I was at the courthouse praying that she would be there to represent my daughter, that is how much faith I had in this woman. She did in fact show up but she knew nothing about my daughter. She had NO file on my daughter. All she had on her was her purse. She was questioning me about the case and then decided to get the prosecutors file to remind her of my daughters case. She looked at me and said “your daughter isn’t getting out today, she never had her evaluation done”. SHE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS HAD SHE RETURNED MY PHONE CALLS!!!! She went in front of the judge without having my daughter there to see or hear what was happening! My daughter had every right to appear in front of the judge on her own case but was not given that right!!! There is so much more but unfortunately my daughter is still in jail and has this woman to blame for it. The judge said that he wanted her in front of him within 24 hrs of the evaluation. It was done the very next day. 24 hrs has come and gone. WE NEED HELP!!! How to I protect my daughter from any further injustice?? Please do not hire this woman! Again, my daughter was court appointed her.... WE DID NOT HAVE A COICE!!
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28 Jan, 2013 by Anonymous
I didn’t have a choice on if I wanted her as a lawyer for my daughter. The courts appointed her to my case. She would NEVER return any of my phone calls no matter how many times I called. Me and my daughter had to meet with her before the hearing but never got to because she never called me back to set up the appointment. Even when I called her office her secretary couldn’t give me a day or time till she spoke to Amy. I hired my own attorney because of this. My attorney I hired even said to me, "Amy will not call you back or anyone!" I even went as far as sending Amy certified mail with a hand written letter to her stating I need to speak to her ASAP and need to meet with her before the hearing. I got nothing back from her or her office. I was told she doesn't have an email address. The day of the hearing was even more of a joke. Since she only knew what I told her at the 1st hearing and what my daughter’s dad told her she knew nothing of what went on during the 2 months after the 1st hearing till the last one. I can go on and on about so much more she did or didn’t do but there’s not enough room to type all of it. My thought is if you are thinking about hiring her DONT! One more thing I didn’t like about her is, my daughter’s father tested positive for marijuana more than once there and that was OK!! I was told, now of days everyone does it!! REALLY I don’t nor does anyone I know!! I’m trying to teach my child drugs are bad and here’s a court saying its ok!
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06 Apr, 2022 by Anonymous
Another reviewer noted that Berg stumbles over his words in Court and I concur. Berg wouldn't know what a Motion was if it bite him in the you know what! Take his license please!!
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14 Feb, 2011 by Jennifer
Not only does he stumble over his words and thoughts in court but he does not know what motions to file and when, he does not seem to be organized. Each time he filed motions they were the wrong ones, contained incorrect information and were over-all sloppy. He was very unprofessional always bringing up money and telling us how much his bills were and what they were going towards. When he did the last incorrect motion he informed us that instead of bringing our star witness we should not leave her at home and use that 'money' to pay him AFTER he informed us to bring her!! He says one thing (in writting) and then does another. He is not in it to win it, just for the money.
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21 Jun, 2019 by Cat
Carol is not experience in family law and should not be practicing. She drew out a very simple matter for a custody meeting. By doing this she overcharged me for her time. When I moved to another lawyer, her office charged me large fees to move my files (she only had me as a client for a few weeks) and charged for operational fees to send me my money back. In the end we spent a lot of money with no return. I do not recommend her as a lawyer.
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01 Mar, 2017 by Anonymous
If you have deep pockets, she a good lawyer! I think her fees are outrageous! Believe me you will get charged for everything..... Even something that has to be resent BC you didn't receive it in the mail. When they claim to have sent it. So you get charged all over again for somebody else's mistake!
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26 Jun, 2023 by Anonymous
Liar and a con man. Collaborates with opposing counsel for his own gain . Piles on billing by bringing in associates who “happen to be passing “. Neither he or associate produce anything but Billings . Another lawyer referred to him as a POS. I had to fire him.
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22 Jul, 2013 by Anonymous
Charged me unbelievable amounts of money for a simple divorce. Refused to copy me on the opposing attorney's emails or meetings. Totally unprofessional. Had to fire him and hire another lawyer to finish the divorce.
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16 Nov, 2017 by Anonymous
Very unprofessional. Did not return calls & e-mails and (in other ways) ultimately contributed to this innocent parent losing custody of only child after spending thousands of dollars for nothing. I heard he was good. He was awful!!!
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16 Apr, 2012 by Anonymous
Google search his DUI arrest on March 23, 2012. Read the negative comments from prior clients and his colleagues. Then ask yourself "do I really want him representing me as my attorney?" If you know what's good for yourself, you'll work with a respectful attorney who deserves to be paid your hard earned dollars. He's experienced but very self-serving and not trustworthy. I wish I knew then what I know now.
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19 Dec, 2021 by Anonymous
He was on my husband case for about 1 year and when I say he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING… only time he answer your phone calls or questions is if it’s money involved he has a nasty attitude along with a smart mouth you literally have too stalk this man just too get a simple reply..His office looks like a hole in the wall and it doesn’t have a pleasant smell I don’t see how this man was a lawyer for all this time he’s HORRIBLE I would not recommend hiring him oh he even was suspended for fake signatures of one of his clients bail Look it up if you don’t believe me…..
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07 Mar, 2015 by Pissed
Mr Chisholm At first seem to be very good. That is until he showed up late to every court case . Atleast two of the Times my case was postponed was because of him then he charged me extra for the the case lasting so long. Long story short, he beat the case but i had 4000 confiscated from me.he told me to sign the money over to him because it made it easier to get back the money and insure that he would get paid his cut once he got it back.well it's been two years i have not received a dime of my money. I haven't received a court date and he will not return my calls. I read another review that he did this to another women .I going to get another lawyer and sew Mr Chisholm for my money if this had happened to you contact me
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18 Jun, 2012 by Rob
hired this lawyer he did not argue about the judges decision on an emergency petition where this should of been argued because my child was with me till two weeks before i hired him and the judges decision was based on a letter that had little to no info; I asked a another lawyer and they said this should of been argued and it would of been changed because of the timing and the information in the other document. Daughter informed me that he said this would end if she decided to stay with mom. It seemed like this lawyer was working more for the mother then he was for me. I hired this lawyer based on his status in collage and the cost he gave me for doing this thinking that he believed that it was an open and shut case as well.
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01 Jan, 2013 by Anonymous
Mr Williams is one of the worst attorneys I have encountered to date . I had him represent me nd he just sat there . After thousand of dollars spent I realized I would have done a much better job representing my self . He accompanied me to just sit there
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14 Nov, 2019 by Anonymous
Eileen was appointed to us by Montgomery County as a child advocate. When we spoke on the phone she seemed bothered by the fact that I wanted to speak about my sisters case with her. She barely asked any questions and I felt very rushed to get off the phone. The day of our hearing was the first time we met and we didn’t even talk in private about what was going to happen or our case. Before we went in front of the judge she told my sister she should just throw out the case because she wasn’t going to win. My sister, already terrified that she had to testify against her parents didn’t need to be put down like that. She needed someone with positivity and reassurance that she would not have to go back to an abusive home. When we finally got in front of the judge, Eileen did nothing to make a case for my sister. She asked the general questions but when my sister started to be attacked verbally by my parents, she sat there and did nothing to revert the questions about the abuse. She made it seem like my sister was the problem child and that it was okay that my parents abuse her the way that they do. My sister is terrified for her life and Eileen did nothing to protect her. On a side note, I did seem like there was a similar case before us that ended up the same way and when the child came out crying she looked at him and with a demeaning face and voice asked him why he was crying. Someone who is willing to allow children to go back to their abusive homes, is someone who should not be working with children. I strongly suggest that if you are looking for a custody lawyer to look elsewhere, and if she ends up being you appointed child advocate, contact the clerk of courts and ask for someone else. I would not want to see any other child go through what my sister had today.
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21 Nov, 2015 by Anonymous
I was very disappointed with the representation I received from Ms. Ackerman. She was very poor in communicating with me. She did little to nothing to prepare me for court or testimony. Her advice on certain matters came back to penalize me. Don't walk away......RUN!
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29 Jun, 2020 by Anonymous
This lawyer did not fight for me. She even stated,"you have nothing." I was trying to keep my house in a divorce. She did not hold the other party accountable for his false statements without any evidence. After 3 years of fighting with this lawyer and almost loosing my case. I changed lawyers. In 9 months I was divorced and kept my home.
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01 May, 2024 by Anonymous
I hired Tom years ago. Later I found out he got in trouble and was not to be practicing law until he completed classes. He ended up throwing the case and I lost thousands of dollars. He also has a drinking problem. FYI.
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08 Oct, 2021 by Karrie
Hired this Attourney to aid in termination of rights. The mother a vile abusive monster. Margaret abandoned her firm and cases without notification. She left many cases high and dry for a prestigious new position. We lost now exposing our children to the worst possible scenario. We are now expected to hand our children over to an abusive, high, disgusting person who fills their heads full of craziness and hate. They were thriving. Happy well adjusted kids who overcame so much trauma. She really should be reprimanded. She who professes to help children abandoned us. They will suffer greatly. There is no pain like having to hand your children over to the person who severely abused them.
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02 Dec, 2022 by Robert hoffman
This dude is a joke, he doesn't answer phone calls or emails, he doesn't file motions, he doesn't stand behind his clients and reprimanded his client in front of the opposition, this dude is a joke and no-one should ever hire him
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16 Jun, 2011 by L
Im a 51 yr old female...single..1 child .... unfortunately I gave up my job due to my health and am on SSD....hired Ms. Nixon to file bankruptcy....I have been ill and unable to come up with the remaining dollars to file the bankruptcy and asked Ms. Nixon for a refund on the money I gave her to retain her services....Ms. Nixon would not return the monies...she stated that with our conversations and 2 companies she spoke with she earned the monies...I totally disagree....number one..yes we did have conversations...2 or3 on the phone and one at her office...BUT....if Ms. Nixon had not babbled incessantly about her life and other non-related issues and kept the conversations to business I doubt that speaking with her would have added up to 1/2 for the two companies/banks that were coming after me monetary wise .. well, they simply called her to confirm the fact that I was going to file bankruptcy....soooo..Ms. Nixon could have at least refunded a portion of the money I had given her....I understand she does not work for free but she was absolutely NOT worth the money I gave her...... I am struggling to keep my home...what I receive in SSD is a very far cry from what I earned as a professional in the same job for 25 years!!!.......I DO NOT recommend Ms. Nixon.....
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07 Apr, 2023 by Anonymous
This woman has deep emotional issues she needs to work through. She does not conduct herself in the professional manner you would expect from an attorney. The way she came off to me was very aggressive and short tempered, easily triggered.
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25 Aug, 2024 by Deanhsimms
This is a heartless human being, she destroys family relationships, she has a agenda beforehand and manipulates the outcome, she talks to kids before they see the judge and persuades them what to say regardless of the relationship she's about to destroy. This is a despicable heartless human being.
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Questions? We have answers

What a Child Custody Lawyer Can Do for You

A child custody lawyer specializes in helping parents navigate legal matters related to the custody and care of their children, particularly in the context of divorce, separation, or other family disputes. These lawyers assist with determining custody arrangements, drafting parenting plans, and advocating for your rights in court. They also help resolve disputes over physical custody (where the child lives), legal custody (who makes decisions for the child), visitation rights, and modifications to existing custody orders.

Whether you're going through a divorce or need to change an existing custody arrangement, a child custody lawyer can help you understand your rights and protect your child's best interests throughout the legal process.

When Should I Hire a Child Custody Lawyer?

You should consider hiring a child custody lawyer in several situations, especially when disputes arise or complex legal issues affect your parental rights. Some common reasons to hire a child custody lawyer include:

  • Divorce or separation: If you're going through a divorce or separation and need to establish custody and visitation arrangements, a lawyer can help ensure the custody order reflects your child's best interests.
  • Disputed custody cases: If you and the other parent cannot agree on custody or visitation terms, a lawyer can advocate for your rights in court and help you develop a strong case.
  • Modification of custody orders: If you need to change an existing custody arrangement due to changes in circumstances (e.g., relocation, changes in the child’s needs), a lawyer can help file a modification request.
  • Parental alienation: If the other parent is interfering with your relationship with your child, a lawyer can help address these issues through legal action.
  • Domestic violence or abuse: If there is a history of domestic violence or abuse, a lawyer can help protect you and your child by requesting restraining orders and advocating for appropriate custody arrangements.
  • Grandparent or third-party custody: If you are a grandparent or another relative seeking custody or visitation rights, a lawyer can guide you through the legal process.
  • Paternity disputes: In cases where paternity is in question, a lawyer can assist with establishing or challenging paternity, which may affect custody and visitation rights.

Hiring a lawyer early in the process can help protect your parental rights and ensure that the custody arrangement is in your child's best interests.

What Does a Child Custody Lawyer Do?

A child custody lawyer provides a variety of legal services to help parents resolve custody disputes and secure favorable custody arrangements for their children. Their responsibilities often include:

  • Filing custody petitions: Helping you file the necessary paperwork to request custody or visitation rights and ensuring all legal procedures are followed.
  • Negotiating custody agreements: Assisting in negotiating custody and visitation arrangements, often working toward a mutually beneficial parenting plan without going to court.
  • Representing you in court: If you and the other parent cannot agree on custody terms, representing you in court by presenting evidence and making legal arguments to support your case.
  • Drafting parenting plans: Helping you draft a comprehensive parenting plan that outlines the schedule for physical custody, decision-making responsibilities, and visitation.
  • Handling child support issues: Assisting with related issues such as child support, ensuring that financial obligations are properly calculated and enforced.
  • Modifying custody orders: Helping you request a modification from the court if you need to change an existing custody arrangement due to significant life changes.
  • Mediating custody disputes: Acting as a mediator to help both parents reach an agreement on custody and visitation without the need for litigation.

How Are Child Custody Lawyers Paid?

Child custody lawyers typically charge for their services based on the complexity of the case, the time involved, and the nature of the legal work. Common payment methods include:

  • Hourly rate: Most child custody lawyers charge by the hour, with rates ranging from $150 to $500 or more, depending on the lawyer's experience and location. The total cost depends on the time spent preparing documents, negotiating, and representing you in court.
  • Flat fee: For simple custody matters or uncontested custody agreements, some lawyers may offer a flat fee for specific services, such as drafting a parenting plan or filing a custody petition.
  • Retainer: Many lawyers require an upfront retainer fee, which is billed against as the lawyer works on your case. The amount varies based on the expected complexity and duration of the case.
  • Sliding scale or pro bono services: Some lawyers may offer reduced fees or pro bono (free) services for clients with limited financial means, particularly in cases involving domestic violence or other serious issues.

It’s important to discuss fees and payment arrangements with your lawyer during the initial consultation to understand how much you will be charged and what services are included.

How Much Does a Child Custody Lawyer Cost?

The cost of hiring a child custody lawyer depends on various factors, including the complexity of the case, whether it’s contested or uncontested, and the lawyer’s experience. General cost estimates include:

  • Uncontested custody cases: Legal fees may range from $1,500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the paperwork and any negotiations.
  • Contested custody cases: Legal fees can range from $5,000 to $40,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the issues, the need for expert testimony, and the time spent in litigation.
  • Hourly rates: Lawyers typically charge between $150 and $500 per hour, with higher rates for more experienced attorneys or complex custody disputes.
  • Mediation services: If both parents agree to work through mediation, costs typically range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more for the mediation process.

Always ask for a clear cost estimate during your consultation to ensure that you understand the total legal fees and payment structure.

Top Questions to Ask a Child Custody Lawyer

Before hiring a child custody lawyer, it’s essential to ask the right questions to ensure they are the best fit for your case. Some key questions to ask include:

  1. What experience do you have with child custody cases?
    Ensure the lawyer has experience handling cases similar to yours, especially if your case involves complex issues like domestic violence, relocation, or paternity disputes.
  2. How do you charge for your services?
    Clarify whether the lawyer charges by the hour, offers flat fees for certain services, or requires a retainer, and ask for an estimate of the total cost.
  3. What is the likelihood of success in my case?
    Ask for an honest assessment of your case, including potential challenges and expected outcomes.
  4. How long will the process take?
    Inquire about the expected timeline from filing the petition to reaching an agreement or going to trial.
  5. Will you personally handle my case?
    Ensure you know who will be managing your case and representing you in court.
  6. Can we pursue mediation or alternative dispute resolution?
    Ask whether the lawyer recommends mediation or other forms of dispute resolution to avoid a lengthy court battle.

How to Check the Credibility of a Child Custody Lawyer

To ensure you are hiring a reputable child custody lawyer, follow these steps to verify their credentials and experience:

  • Verify their bar status: Check with your state bar association to confirm that the lawyer is licensed to practice and has no history of disciplinary actions.
  • Look for family law experience: Review the lawyer’s website or professional profile to ensure they specialize in family law and child custody cases.
  • Read client reviews and testimonials: Look for client reviews on platforms like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, or Google to gauge the lawyer’s professionalism and success in child custody matters.
  • Ask for references: A credible lawyer should be able to provide references from past clients who have worked with them on custody cases.
  • Check for certifications: Look for lawyers who are board-certified in family law or have memberships in organizations like the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) or local family law sections.

What Should I Prepare for My First Consultation?

To get the most out of your first consultation with a child custody lawyer, come prepared with relevant documents and information:

  • Court orders or existing custody agreements: Bring copies of any existing custody or visitation orders for the lawyer to review.
  • Communication with the other parent: Provide copies of emails, texts, or letters regarding custody, visitation, or disputes.
  • List of your child’s needs: Prepare a list of your child’s specific needs, such as medical care, education, and extracurricular activities.
  • Timeline of the case: Outline key events related to your custody case, including changes in living situations or parental involvement.
  • Questions for the lawyer: Write down any questions about the custody process, legal fees, and the lawyer’s strategy for your case.

By being well-prepared, you can help the lawyer assess your situation effectively and receive the best possible advice for protecting your rights and your child’s well-being.