Overall rating
Amilcar lazo
17 Dec, 2019
Exelete trabajo. Gracias abogoado Drew y Armando por trabajar en mi caso.
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Stormey gibson
17 Dec, 2019
Carol Barrera is my closer and she did an excellent job and was efficient in my. closing.
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16 Dec, 2019
Awesome company
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Alicia pendley
16 Dec, 2019
I just want to thank Veronica Flores, my case worker, and the team of people at Jim Adlers office!
Thank you for all your help, and everything you and the team at Jim Adlers office have done, and still doing on my case!!! Honestly without you all i would be totally lost, an emotional and mental wreck from not just the accident, but the headache of trying to figure out what i would need to do, where to start who to call and talk to, doctors and specialist that i need to see!!! You guys have really lifted so much off my shoulders since the accident and are focusing on me , my injuries, and now my treatment and healing!!!! Ive never been involved in an accident, and really when it happened and a week after it happened, i thought that i didnt suffer to many injuries big, small, or severe!!!! But over this past month ive been surprised and just lost for words on how bad it was on me even though it seemed like it wasnt at first but as time went on all the pain, bruising, swelling, stiffness, soreness, slowly started showing up, and thats just the injuries that r visible to the eye, and all the damage and injuries that ive got that can only be seen with imaging such as xray, ct scan and mri, ive seen and feel each and everyday!!! And its made me realize just how bad it was and its all being brought to my attention by diff drs and specialist how bad all my injuries i endured during the wreck are!! Its very scary, and nerve racking, and over whelming bc im not really sure of what all treatment or therapy that im gonna have to go thru on this road to recovery or how long its gonna take!!! It brought me and my family's everyday lives to a screeching hault, been a financial burden, causing bills to be past due, services to be turned off, suspended, or accounts closed!!! Unable to gain or even look for employment, or even able to get to a job, and having to miss my brothers wedding was horrible, bc its hard for me to sit for a certain amount of time now, my back and left hip start hurting so bad cant do anything but cry, theres no shifting or changing positions for comfort! And now when i travel, i get over whelmed and my anxiety goes thru the roof and causes my blood pressure to get really really high!!!! And im so glad i chose yalls law firm bc yall have taken alot of the burden and stress off me or try to at least, and i just wanted to say thank you all, and let you all know that i really appreciate everyone who is working on my case!!! I couldnt imagine everything that has to be done; phone calls, reports, referrals, and only god knows what else you all have to do, and not to mention you all have several cases yall are working at a time , and all the stress you all endure!! And it really breaks my heart that hardly anyone takes the time to think or see that!!!! Or acknowledge it or any of the people behind the scenes thats fighting for us on our case, nor do very many people take the time to say thanks for all yalls hard work!!! So Veronica, i want to thank you and everyone at Jim Adlers office for all yalls hard work and for being so nice and keeping me up to date on everything going on in my case!!!!
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Julio jimenez
16 Dec, 2019
Despues de dos años con mi caso medijeron que no podian acer nada por mi y les ablaba y no me davan ninguna rason fu una mala experiencia no se los recomiendo les ablava y no contestavan les dejava mensaje y tampoco me regresavan la llamada tenia que ir ala oficina y ninguna respuesta convinsente perdi dinero y tiempo dos años perdidos el equipo que me asignaron y el abogado👎no son buenos.
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Karla boyd
16 Dec, 2019
Christine michelle jaynes
16 Dec, 2019
Great service very helpful ! Esmeralda Gavilanes was awesome she answered all my calls and questions!
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Chloe charuma
16 Dec, 2019
Natosha page
16 Dec, 2019
Esmeralda Gavilanes did really good. Thank you.
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Sonya hiser
16 Dec, 2019
Awesome job by this firm!! highly reccomend jim adler. everyone has been so helpful. carol barrera in closing was efficient and made the process smooth. always checked in on me and returnwd my phone calls. she made sure all od my questions were answered.
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Lindsay walker
16 Dec, 2019
Kathleen was great. It’s been a month since I have heard from the person in the next step in my case, Stephane. I have called, sent emails and zero response. Would love to know what was going on.
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Wayne boddy
16 Dec, 2019
Truly professional people. My case is not over yet but i can already say I'm happy i made the choice to go with Jim Adler and Associates and would glady do so again. Special thanks to Lynette/Barrett for handling my case and special thanks to Angie Tejeda, whos kindness and professionalism made the medical part of my case as stress free as possible.
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