Recent Reviews
I want to thank the Dan Newlin injury Attorneys especially Joe Scarpa and all his assistants for all the hard work and dedication, I am completely satisfied with the outcome. There are attorneys out there that are good, then there is Joe Scarpa, he is no joke, goes above and beyond doing whatever and anything he can so that the client has the best possible outcome, again thank you for everything that you have done these past 4yrs....😁😁😁 IN JOE SCARPA WE TRUST
I want to thank the Dan Newlin injury Attorneys especially Joe Scarpa and all his assistants for all the hard work and dedication, I am completely satisfied with the outcome. There are attorneys out there that are good, then there is Joe Scarpa, he is no joke, goes above and beyond doing whatever and anything he can so that the client has the best possible outcome, again thank you for everything that you have done these past 4yrs....😁😁😁 IN JOE SCARPA WE TRUST
Ryan Zehl and his team were incredible after my truck accident. They handled the trucking company and their aggressive insurance adjusters with ease, making sure I wasn’t taken advantage of. Ryan’s expertise and commitment got me the compensation I deserved, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.
Todo muy excelente con la señora Nina la recomiendo me ayudó con un accidente automovilístico
I have been waiting 3 months for my settlement check too! My accident was 2 years ago. My friend is hoping that the law firm didn't steal my settlement check! I never thought about it until she brought it up. I mean things like that happens. It's hard to reach someone to give me updates at the law firm. Have I been scammed?!! I don't want to believe it. I am still hopeful. I will give an update as soon as I get one. December 27, 2024
Gracias al abogado señor Waldman, por toda su attencion y confianza que me ofreció desde el principio de analizar mi caso. Es un abogado que siempre me escuchó en cualquier momento de preocupación relacionada a mi accidente , y contestó mis llamadas en cualquier momento. Yo recomiendo por su alta calidad y atención a Waldman Legal Group y Terry Bryannt.
Excellent lawyer, very friendly staff ❤️exselente abogado personal muy amable
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