Overall rating
Bridget murphy
02 May, 2017
Make sure you never have a Friday as a closing date! You will not recieve your electeonic proceeds till Monday...or in my case Tuesday!
I emailed the fed routing # to Ms.Wreath. I know she recieved the email and responded to my question.
Come closing time, the same day as my move, she stated she never recieved the routing # so I had to walk to bank & have banker look at the form and end up giving me the wrong routing number. Come Monday, while I'm on the highway, she emails me to tell me that my funds didn't go thru. How unprofessional! I was upset to say the least...this business wouldn't let me change the closing date, virtually pushing me out of my home, while sitting on my money for 4days!
She also had the nerve to include misc. charges that I told my realestate agent I would pay upfront. What a swindle!! What should be a happy day left me with a bad taste! What amazes me I paid nearly $8000 for this crap service :(
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Max mar
06 Apr, 2017